Freddy FazFucks Pt. 2

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Good Morning/Night/Afternoon! ❤️ How are you guys? Good? Good. That's great man.


You stared down at the tablet in your hands, flipping through the different cameras. Nothing much has happened the past hour instead of a few weird noises.

Dipper was currently staring at you without your knowledge of knowing. He found you quite intriguing... He liked the way you talked back to him on the phone because you needed the job. But he seemed to feel as if he needed to protect you. In some odd way, he felt...

Attracted to you.

"Um... The purple one is gone.. The purple one is gone!" You frantically flip through the cameras, Dipper zipping out of his daze.

Something slammed against the window making you shriek and fall out of your chair. Dipper rolled to the left door quickly and slammed his hand on the 'door' button.

You regained your breath and sighed, staring at the purple rabbit animatronic called 'Bonnie'. He just sat there, staring at you from the opposite side of the window.

"Creepy fucker.." You mumbled, slowly lifting yourself from the floor.

"You okay?" Dipper asked, rolling towards you and picking the tablet up.

"I'm fine. Thanks." You smile.

You sat back down in your seat and sighed, rubbing your arms. For a restaurant usually full of hot pizza, it's surprisingly chilly at night.

"You cold?" Dipper asked, sliding his jacket off.

"A little. Yea.. Feels like a meat locker in here." You sigh, goosebumps running up your spine.

"Here." Dipper carefully placed his warm black jacket on your shoulders.

"Wait, you don't have-"

"Don't worry about it." He smiled, interrupting you and patting your shoulder.

You smile, your cheeks turning a soft pink. Dipper noticed this, his smile growing and his cheeks turning pink as well.

You two shared a small moment. Just sitting there and smiling softly at one another. There was a content silence. But not the silence that was awkward. It was a nice silence...

That's nice silence was ruined by a loud shriek from beside Dipper. A huge yellow duck (I'm sorry. >~<) ran in through the door and eyed you down. It stepped closer to you and grabbed the collar of your shirt, it's purple eyes staring deep into your soul. (Chica's eyes are purple right?)

"D-Dipper..!" You mumbled, struggling on the animatronics tight grip.

You were suddenly slammed into the wall, a low popping noise sending through your brain. You groan, your vision fogging and your grip loosening on the animatronics hands.

"(Y/N)! Hang on!" Dipper yelled a metal on metal noise running through your ears.

The animatronic let go of your shirt sending you to the tile floor. You groan again your vision darkening. The last thing heard was Dipper calling your name.

(Anyone watch The Ed Bassmaster Show? ^.^)

You groggily opened your eyes to a ceiling fan. The back of your head was pounding loudly in your ears. You look to your side. Your on a bed.

But it isn't your bed..

Your not in your clothes either. Your in a baggy black shirt and your...

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