Mini-One Shots!

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*slowly disappears in a cloud of dark rainbows*

"Rex! Cmon boy! Bath time!" You yell while standing in your backyard in the sun.

You happen to catch a little perverted brunette staring at your behind.

"It's not nice to stare, Dipper." You mumble, turning around to face him.

He turns pink but chuckles softly, "I can't help it, your just too fine." He filled the metal tub with cool water, adding a lot of soap.

Your black, muddy, pit bull came trotting out of your house, wagging his nub of a tail. (My pit bulls tail is cut off. It's adorable ^.^) You grab his collar, Dipper hosing him down. Then, without warning, Rex (the dog) jumps into the tub of soapy water. You were thrown in as well making you groan on disgust.

Rex seemed to smile and jump out, Dipper trying to grab his collar. Rex started running back towards the tub and in an attempt to catch him Dipper fell in on top of you.

The two of you turn red but laugh softly, Dipper straddling your waste. Rex watched intently at the two of you making out in the tub.

Let's just say you never got the chance to take Rex a bath.

:] so? Like it??? I dunno, I just thought it was cute.

Words: 227

The One For Him (Dipper X Reader One Shots) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now