Im So Sorry...

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WARNING! This is a sad one-shot... I sorry!! ;( Anyways. On word!

Setting: Middle Of Winter

"You... WHAT?!" Dipper yelled loudly, flailing his arms in the air.

"I-I immediately pulled away! I swear!" You repeated for maybe the fifth time.

Just about ten minutes ago you were out with one of your guy friends. He had asked you to go to the movies with him and his friend so that he could send her the vibe that he didn't want to be a thing. (You get what I'm saying?) Little did you know, he actually invited the OTHER girl to be the third wheel.

While you two were alone for a bit, he planted a slobbery kiss on your lips. You immediately told him he had the wrong idea and that you had a boyfriend. He didn't seem to care...

When he tried to kiss you again, you ran to the only place you thought was safe.

Dipper's house.

When you got there, you told Dipper everything and he didn't take it well...

"You still let him kiss you!" Dipper yelled back.

"B-But! D-Dip stick! I swear I didn't know he was hitting on me! He told me I was going to be a third wheel for HIS date! I-I'm sorry!" You put your hands up in defense.

"Your 'sorry'?! Sorry doesn't mean anything! He KISSED you!" He yelled using air quotes.

"Well I couldn't help it?! What was I supposed to do, flick him off and say 'no'?" You retorted, grumbling slightly.

"YES! Ugh! Dammit, you know what?!" He looked into your eyes.

"What?.." You were a little scared of what he was going to say.

"All my feelings for you were fake! I never loved you and I never will! Go make out with your NEW BOYFRIEND! We're DONE!" Dipper yelled pointing to the front door.

You were taken aback by this.

We're done!

Those two words kept repeating in your head.

Tears started to well up in your eyes, "F..Fine."

You mustered up all the courage you could and walked out of the door confidently. Once you left the house you broke out into tears and into the densely brewing snowstorm.

It's been a week.


A full on week since ANYONE had last seen you.

Dipper felt awful. He didn't mean anything of what he said. He loved you more than anyone has ever loved another being. When you left he immediately realized what he had just done, and shed a few tears.

He tried your house. Your work. Even waited for you at school.

No one had seen you..

He was becoming extremely worried...

He set out a search party including most of his and your friends. He hadn't gone to police yet, thinking you would be hiding out somewhere.

Over fifteen hours of searching had to end when the snowstorm started to grow worse.

Dipper and Mabel didn't stop though.

Dipper searched town while Mabel searched the woods.

When Dipper got a call for her, he wasn't expecting what he heard.

"I found her." Mabel's voice cracked, her sniffles coming through the phone.

"You did?! Where is she?! Is she okay?! How is she?! Where are you two?! Meet me at the shack I have to-"

The One For Him (Dipper X Reader One Shots) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now