Chapter 10: Training

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Asher's P.O.V

So it is currently Saturday morning and I cant find the love of my life. So I find Naomi and ask her where my love is she says probably the gym. I have no clue where this is so I have to follow her to find her. Ahhh life is hard

Naomi: So she is probably in here. She opens the door and all you hear is Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande blaring through the speakers.

Asher: Naomi do you think she heard us walk through?

Naomi: Probably not why?

Asher: Cuz I want to scare the shit out of her

Naomi: When she works out like this it means she has a fight tonight so I wouldn't you might get hurt then Emily will feel bad cuz she hurt you

Asher: It wont hurt I am made of steel

Naomi: Ok sure but don't say I didn't warn you when your in the hospital

Asher: ok fine I am still scaring her though

I walk up behind her very careful. Just as I am about to scare her she turns around

Emily: Asher if your trying to scare me it aint gonna work


Emily: Cuz I know I'm a cage fighter I know everything I have to or I would get my ass whooped

Asher: Oh

Emily: That reminds me do you guys wanna come tonight?

Naomi: Sure it would be cool to go back to the cage

Asher: I thought you didn't want me to go

Emily: I don't but I know you, you probably weren't going to stop bugging me till I said yes that you could go so might as well get over it

Asher: You know me so well

Emily: I know and Naomi I can call Joey and see if you can fight tonight I still have your disguise here

Naomi: Could you please that would be awesome I still train everyday I got this

Emily: I just texted him he said that you could

Naomi: Sweet I'm gonna get changed and train a lot more now thanks babe

Emily: yup   

Asher: So my girlfriend fights. This is so damn cool

Emily: Asher you cant tell anyone if my secret gets out all hell will  break loose

Asher: I promise I wont and why did you tell Naomi you have her disguise here?

Emily: We wear disguises because some people that we fight are in gangs and want to kill the people who beat them so we wear disguises so they don't know who it is.

Asher: Um will I be able to know its you?

Emily: I don't know Asher Daniel's will you know your girlfriend?

Asher's face went red

Emily: Yes I'm just kidding you will know that's me cuz your driving.

Asher: Ok fine is there anything I can do to help you train

Emily: Yeah if you want to

Asher: Okay what is it?

Emily: Your the schools bad boy and you fight people right?

Asher: Yes

Emily: Then fight me


Emily: I knew you wouldn't do it

Asher: I would but one your a girl 2 your my girlfriend and 3 I love you and don't want to hurt you

Emily:Trust me you wont hurt me

Asher: I am still not doing it

Emily: If someone hit you in the gut hard what would you do?

Asher: Fight them of course why?

Emily: Cuz of this.

Emilys P.O.V:

right after I said "this" I punched him in the gut

Emily: How come your not fighting back to hurt chicken

Asher: Fine you asked for it.

Every punch and kick he threw at me I dodged or blocked. I hit him 2 times and he fell on the floor

Asher: Ok fine you win!

Emily: Thank you

Asher: Your welcome now will you help me up and get me some ice you punch hard in the gut

Emily: Of course

I help him get on the couch and get ice I go and take a shower and sit with him he puts his arm around me and we watch a movie eventually we fall asleep. I woke up a few hours later its 10 at night my fights a midnight.

Emily: Asher wake up sweetie. I shake him a little to wake up

Asher: Good morning what time is it?

Emily: Its 10 at night my fight is at midnight

Asher: Oh so you have a few hours before the fight?

Emily: Yeah so how do you feel?

Asher: A lot better just a killer headache

Emily: You want some aspirin?

Asher: Yes if you have any

Emily: Ok let me go get some. I feel an arm around me but I don't think he notices I wait a minute to see If he notices

Asher: Are you going to go get it or do you want me to?

Emily: I would if you would take your arm off me so I can get up

Asher: Oh yeah sorry

Emily: Its fine. He finally lets go and I get him some aspirin, I come back with water and 2 aspirin

Emily: Here you go

Asher: Thank you beautiful

Emily: Your welcome. Do you want to go to Wendy's and get some food?

Asher: Sure you wanna see if Naomi wants to come

Emily: She left she is seeing her brother

Asher: Oh well lets go then you or me driving.

Emily: Me cuz I'm gonna teach you how to drive my truck cuz we are taking it tonight sorry but we are not going to a fight in your tiny ass Honda

Asher: There is nothing wrong with my Honda

Emily: Your right everything is wrong with it

Asher: Come on lets go

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