Chapter 21: Jelly much?

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*Ill think of a title later I just cant think of one right now*

*Ill think of a title later I just cant think of one right now*

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This is Asher and Emily's outfits for tonight

Asher's P.O.V

Emily and I got to the mall and as we were walking in I saw some guys staring at Emily, my girl. that's not okay. I reached over and held Emily's hand.

Emily:" I see them staring at me and I don't like it either and by the way its cute when your jealous."

Asher:" You see it?"

Emily: "Yes I do, ill help I don't like it either, Ok now lead my over to the bench and sit down ill do the rest."

Asher: "Well okay let's do this." I lead her over to the bench and I sit down after I sit down she sits on my lap, oh god.

Emily: "Pretend to say something funny."

Asher:"Okay and I'm sorry if you feel something poking your ass your sitting on my lap."

Emily: "I didn't know I had that much of an effect on you. "

Asher: "Shut Up. now laugh please I want them to go away." Emily laughs a cute little laugh and its amazingly cute, I'm so lucky.

Emily: "Now say something to make me blush but please don't make me blush so hard that I have to run and hide for the rest of my life."

Asher: "Okay let me think of a good one"

Emily: "Okay well hurry please they are still staring at me and I don't like it."

Asher: "Trust me I don't like it either, Ooo! I got one."

Emily: "Oh god okay lets go."

Asher: "You look very hot with your tattoo on your ribs but when you get the gang tattoo and when you fight by myside, you are going to look hot as f**k and your gonna be mine." yup that did it Emily is blushing very hard and its F**king cute.

Emily: "Are they still looking?"

Asher: "Yes" uggh why wont they take a hint before I punch them in the nose

Emily: "Don't go and punch anyone"

Asher: "How could you tell?"

Emily: "I just know okay, now kiss me and ill do the rest but don't do anything stupid to make me have to kill you"

Asher: "I love it when you threaten me its adorable">

Emily: "Shut up why are you still talking? you always try to kiss me and now I'm letting you and you don't"

Asher: "True come here" I start to slowly kiss her and she depends the kiss a little bit but not to much. She wraps her arms around my neck and plays with my hair a little bit, I put my arms around her waist and slowly move my hands down to her ass and I grab her ass a little. Emily pulls away and I let go I don't want to though but I do.

Emily: "Are they still looking?"

Asher: "Nope they are currently running towards the door." I let out a small chuckle

Emily: "Hahaha. ok now we have to go look for dresses no matter how much I don't want to."

Asher: "I want you to so lets go where do you want to go first? Kohl's?"

Emily: "Sure lets go."

we head over to kohl's and I see this one dress it is black and white and like a princess dress for my princess. Ill let her pick out a few first then ill make her try this one on because I know she wont want to.

Asher: "Ok Emily you can pick out some"

Emily: "I don't want to but fine."

Emily picks out a long black dress that has some jewels at the top and a slit that goes up to her thigh, she also picks out a red dress that stops a little below the knee and has a flower in the belt area, I don't know what that's called. And she got a dark green dress that had long sleeves and a choker collar with rhinestones on it and stopped above the knee.

First she put on the long black one

Emily: " How's this one?"

Asher: "its beautiful, but its not you."

Emily: "Okay then I wont get it."

Asher: "okay lets see the next one."

Emily: "ok". She comes out in the short read one

Asher: "Its also very beautiful but its not for you either."

Emily: "Okay well I'm not gonna try the next one on then."

Asher: "Why not?"

Emily: "Because I know your not gonna like it on me."

Asher: "True, but if I picked a dress for you would you try it on?"

Emily: "No are you crazy?"

I stand up "Not even for a kiss?"

Emily: ""

Asher: "Why did you wait to say no?"

Emily: "fine go get the dress"

Asher: "YAY ill be right back" I run over to the rack with the perfect dress for Emily. I bring it over to her and tell her to close her eyes.

Asher: "Ok so close you eyes I want to help you put it on, I want to see your first reaction."

Emily: "Asher don't do anything stupid and don't let me fall please."

Asher:" I wont I promise" ok so I get her in the dress after a few minutes of struggles I tell her to stand in front of the mirror.

Asher: "Okay open your eyes." She slowly opens her eyes and the face she is making says it all

Emily: "Oh my god Asher this is beautiful!"

Asher:" Do you want it?"

Emily:" yes please"

Asher: "Its yours then, do you have heels or anything?"

Emily:" Yes I have some black heels I'm not sure if ill be able to wear them though, my ankle was kinda hurting but I called the doctor he said its normal and that its always gonna hurt just to take some Advil and it will go away and I did so I should be good."

Asher: "Okay as long as you talked to the doctor."

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