Chapter 40: Morning fun

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Asher's P.O.V

Emily and I's date last night was amazing. We went to dinner at a nice restaurant and just talked, it was nice I learned new things about her and she learned new things about me I loved it. I want to take her on a date tonight to and tell her I love her. I love her so much and I want to tell her tonight I want to tell her all the time. I have a few ways to tell her in a perfect way I just haven't thought about the perfect way. I have two ideas but I haven't decided. The one is chilling here in our sweats or dress up and go to another restaurant and tell her there. I'm leaning towards the sweats but I'm not sure, I think I'm going to do it that way. 

We are currently laying in bed her asleep on my chest and me playing with her hair. I love her hair its long and soft it smells good to. I feel her hug me tighter and look up to me "good morning baby" she smiles up to me "Good morning Angle" she blushes and looks back down "why did you look back down baby" "Because your morning voice is hot and it kills me that your so hot" "Oh but baby your so hot it kills me not to take you right here right now, your personality is fantastic and when your near me I'm happy and full of just I don't even know how to explain it but its a beautiful feeling I wouldn't want it any other way." "Babbyyy" I just lean down and kiss her I cant refrain myself anymore she is just so perfect in everyway possible "Baby we are going on a date tonight" "We are?" "Yes we are and your going to love it" "Oh I am?" "Yes you are" "Well i cant wait" "Neither can I there's a surprise" "oh yay" "I kinda wanna go get water" "No your not aloud" she lays on top of me all the way so I "Cant move" shes to cute "And whys that" "because i love your morning voice its hot and raspy its deep and sexy" "Oh I like this Emily" :Shut p and tell me more cute things I like it." "what do you want me to say?" "What ever you want to tell me." I whisper cute little nothings in her ear and just hug her tighter. I love you Emily.

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