Chapter 45: dinner and fights

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Emilys POV

The next morning my 6 am alarm went off, a little to early if you ask me. If you ask Asher I'm 100% sure his answer would be different without any doubt. He wanted to get a head start on training and, workouts this morning which isn't necessary A bad thing considering we have a fight tonight and its not at our normal location. Its about an hour from the next town over. I'm currently running on the treadmill and ash is beating up that punching bag like it owes him millions. "You okay over there?" 1 shout to the other side of the gym. "Yes, just a little frustrated." I felt a small frown appear on my face. I stow the treadmill to a stop hop off. I walk over to ash and hug him from behind. He lets out a small groan because I'm stopping him from beating up the bag slowly, I run my nails up and down his naked chest up his absto his collar bone down to his dangerously low basketball shorts. "Emily, do start what you don't
intend on finishing." I smirk even though the I know he cant see it." But Daddy, what if I want to?" I feel him visibly tighten at my sentence. "Emily this is your last warning." I smirk again. "Who said I wanted a warning?" as soon as the last syllable came off my I was in Ashers arms my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He is kissing me with such emotion, one that I've learned is frustration. I'm not complaining I though. I - will always want to kiss his soft pink lips. As we fight for dominance in the kiss, the gym doors swings open interrupting us. A deep growl erupts from Ashers that's not one of the sexiest sounds ever focus Emily I think to myself. Romeo walks in with a sly smirk, "Was I interrupting something?" Ashers face went cold, "no you fucker" he set me down and went back to punching that dam bag. After that I figured it was going to be a long day.

I'm sorry its been so long. I know this isn't am best chapter but I wanted to get something out even if it was short. Anyways, I was thinking about combining my two book ideas, this and "forever and always' together. So the Italian mafia would make an apperance and there would be some "maturecontent" if you get what I mean so please let me know your thoughts and opinions, I want to hear it all. Thank you so muchand I can't wait hear from you all

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