Chapter 34: Todays the day

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Ashers  P.O.V
Todays the day we are flying to Barcelona. I woke up early so I could pack my stuff and get Emily and Ralfa up in time to get to the airport. Its currently 4:30 am and I'm laying all my clothes out on my bed. I moved Emily into her room when I woke up so I wouldn't wake her up, she probably wont be happy when I wake her up she loves her sleep. I continue packing all my clothes and toiletries. I pack a suit for the meeting and my date with Emily. She doesn't know it yet but we are going on a date while were are there. I'm almost finished packing when I heard a faint knock on my door "Come in" the door opens and Emily pokes her head in before stepping all the way in. " I rolled over and you weren't there and I thought we slept in your bed" "I'm sorry babe and we did I moved you in your room so I wouldn't wake you" I walk over and give her a hug. She is still in my shirt and she looks so cute, it looks like a dress on her. "Do you want help packing?" she whispers just loud enough I can hear. "I'm almost done. you can if you want though. Before I forget do you have your gear and guns?" " Yeah I was planning on wearing them there because I figured it was safer and that you would want me to" "Ah, your catching on quick my love" she lets out a little giggle and I couldn't help but smile. She is so perfect.

We all finished packing  I carried Emily and I's bags out to the car that was dropping us off at the air port. Its almost 6 am but Emily wanted food and coffee before we left so she made us all food and coffee. After she hurried and cleaned the dishes we were off in the car. Emily fell back asleep in the car her head resting on my shoulder. Ralfa just looked at me he smirked at me and mouth your so whipped. I flipped the bird at him. He just laughed quietly. Emilys eyes fluttered open and she looked straight at Ralfa with a death glare "You think I find it funny Ralfa?" he stopped laughing immediately and his eyes shot open with fear "Cuz I sure as hell don't" and with that she was back asleep on my shoulder. Ralfa looked scared to the bone and I just smirked knowing that's my girl. She shifted a bit to get more comfy she laid her head in my lap and her body across the seat I started to play with her hair and I felt her smile on my leg. Ralfa cleared his throat and looked at us. Emily didn't move she just said "Ralfa I will push you out this god dam car if you say something else or make any type of noise." I laughed a little and just continued to play with her hair. We make it to the airport, the guys put all our luggage in the jet, did I forget to tell you that I have a private jet well yeah I do. I tried to wake Emily up but she wasn't having it so I just picked her up and carried her on the plane and buckled her seat belt. I went and talked to the pilot to see how long it would take us to get there and made small talk for a little bit it felt like I haven't seen him in ages. We used to see each other all the time when I always went places to get away from everything he would fly me away from my problems.   

Ralfa and I boarded the plan and I went and sat next to Emily and Ralfa sat across from us. We all were buckled and took off. I think Emily slept almost the entire flight. I brought some stuff to work on and was slowing doing that. Emily shifted in her seat a little bit then sat up straight when she woke up, she looked over at me and smiled, she looked down and saw my work and a small frown appeared on her face. I looked at her with confusion she spoke softly "Why are you doing work? take a break please yesterday was enough on you. Your to young to have frustration cresses on your face." "I'm almost done" "good that means you can do it when we get back" "Emily I need to finish it." "You don't need to do anything except hold me in your arms" she smiled and took the folder and closed it along with the rest of the papers I had infront of me and set them aside and sat on my lap laying her head on my shoulder. "There, see how much better this is?" " I guess it is a little bit" "You like it you and I both know it" "And how do you know that?" "because something is poking my bum and your hand are up here" she winked at me and laid her head back on my chest. I felt a small blush creeping up my neck to my cheeks

 A/N this is just a filler chapter the next chapter will be at Barcelona

The bad boy and the nerd Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz