Chapter 20: Meeting parents...

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Ashers P.O.V  ( this is texting btw I wasn't sure how to put it so its like this)

mom: Did I hear that you have a girlfriend?

Me: Yes, but I don't want you to meet her

Mom: Why not?

Me: She is to good of a person for you to chase her off

Mom: I would never

Me: Your in a gang with dad yes you would you want us to join.

Mom: I have to tell you something

Me: What do you possibly have to say?

Mom: Your Father has taken over the gang its stronger now and I have seen you and your girl fight and I want you to join us back, both of you, and if you come I promise she will be under gang protection, the Black bloods gang wants to attack and they are coming after you and your girl first, so lets have dinner and talk, ill bring your father and make him behave we can go to the fancy place down town that your uncle owns and we can talk about it. 7 sound good?

Me: Fine Ill join only because I would die to save her she is my everything, and let me make 2 things clear, first, you or dad will NOT LAY A HAND ON HER and if she doesn't want to join you have to accept it and leave me and her out of it but have us have gang protection and yes we will see you there

Mom: That's fair and as a good person I will follow all of those and so will your father and if she does accept she has to get the tattoo like you

Me: Ill talk to her.

I walk into Emily bedroom to go talk to her but she is still sleeping. I walk over and kiss her forehead then her nose there her cheeks and then the corner of her lips I feel her start to smile so I slowly go to kiss her lips but she moves her head up a little fast and kisses me before I got to kiss her but it was okay her kisses are soft and slow and amazing, the kiss depends a little bit, our lips start moving a little faster I slowly start to get up on the bed to be closer to her. Our lips moving faster each second, before I knew it my good morning kisses turned into a very heated make out session.

Emily: "Good morning"

Asher: "Good morning beautiful" a beautiful pink blush found its way to her cheeks at the nickname I gave her, it was cute

Emily: "How are you?"

Asher: "A lot better now"

Emily: "What was wrong?"

Asher:  "My mom texted me this morning, she wants to meet you"

Emily: " She does?"

Asher: " Yeah but there is something I need to tell you,"

Emily: "Okay go ahead"

Asher: " My parents are in a gang actually my head is the gang leader. I used to be in the gang but then I didn't want to be in it anymore because I wanted to go to high  school so I left the gang. Now each gang has a rival gang ours is the Black Bloods gang. They are coming after the gang and is coming after you and I."

Emily: "Asher... That's fucking awesome your parents are in a gang, Wait are you in the gang?"

Asher: " As of this morning yes, and we want you in it to."

Emily: " I'm in"

Asher: "Wait what? your not scared of me or completely terrified your going to get killed?"

Emily: " if you seem to of forgotten i am a fighter, underground cage fighter and i go against people twice my size and I'm still here."

Asher: " Yeah but your undercover"

Emily: " and, now that i know that you are scared of me getting hurt, its the cutest thing ever by the way, ill go as Eliot Gray when i fight if i have to, is that okay?"

Asher: " Yes i will feel a lot better. and we are meeting my parents tonight to discuss some things in the gang."

Emily: "Okay well then we have to go shopping no matter how much i hate it ugh i don't have a dress to wear to meet your parents"

Asher: "ill make you a deal"

Emily: "I'm listening"

Asher: "Ill pick out the dresses and for every dress you try on equals one very steamy kiss"

Emily: "Fine but i still don't like dresses"

Asher: " I know its okay and did i forget to mention you have to get a tattoo if you wanna get in the gang."

Emily: "No you didn't mention it, but its okay i wanted another tattoo but i didn't know what i wanted"

Asher: "Ok but you cant tell anyone about the gang ok not even Naomi"

Emily: Ok i wont i promise and what is the tattoo?"

Asher: "Wings on your upper back"

Emily: " Okay sounds good"

Asher : "Lets go get ready to go to the mall I'm excited."

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