Chapter 38

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A/N~ I'm going to be switching POV's a lot in this chapter

Asher's P.O.V

~the morning~

I keep thinking about what Ralfa said last night, I don't really know why but it keeps replaying "The girl my best friend is in love with" am I in love with Emily? I mean I know I love her but am I in love with her, I would kill for her I would die for her I would do anything for her. I care about her so much I don't know what my life would be like if she wasn't in it. I would probably be dead honestly she has helped me see life isn't just the gang or what ever the hell I'm in. Its so much more there is adventures to go on and memories to make. Families to make, friends to be with. There is a thing called living out there that I want to do with her. I want to be with Emily till the day I die through thick and thin through it all. I Love Emily.

Emily's P.O.V

I woke up in bed with my head on Asher's chest, I move my head so I can look up a him and I see him looking up at the ceiling with the biggest smile on his face. He chuckles a small laugh and looks down at me. "Good morning baby" "Good morning babe" I smile up at him. "How are you feeling this morning?" "I'm doing pretty good thank you for asking" "Of course sweet cheeks any time" I scrunch my nose up "Sweet cheeks?" "Yeah" "I don't like that" he laughs a little "Why don't you like it?" "I don't know I just don't like it, I like it when you call me baby" "I like it when you call me babe" "Then I guess we both like names" "I guess so." I look back up at him and smile he just winks at me and smiles back.

Asher's P.O.V

I'm still looking down at Emily, she looks so beautiful, no make up her hair is long and everywhere its just pretty. I come back to reality when I feel her tap my shoulder, I see her pointing to her forehead I lean down and kiss her forehead, then she points to the top of her nose so I lean down and kiss her nose, she points to her left cheek then her right cheek and I lean down again to kiss her cheeks. She looks up at me and holds up 1 finger and I nod she smiles and points to her lips, I smile to and lean in I kiss her lips and work my way down to her chin and then down to her neck. She lets out a soft moan that only her and I could her I start to bite and suck on her neck until I'm happy with the hickey that's there. I move down a little more and did the same thing till I got to her collar bone. I lean back up and look down at her neck and smile. She looks up at me and pulls me back down to her and starts to kiss me again, she rolls over so that she is on top. I put my hands on her hips and continue to kiss her. BANG! the hotel room door slams open, we quickly pull away and i reach for my gun on the night stand she rolls to the other side and grabs hers, we both stand up and look at each other and nod she gets behind me and I quickly open the door and step out i don't see anything so she comes out behind me i walk into the living room and put my gun down when i see the body on the floor. I move to the side so Emily can see and she puts hers down to. The one and only Ralfa laying passed out on the floor. I look over at Emily she looks at me and says "I'm going to kill him for interrupting what was happening in the bedroom." I shake my head and laugh. "Ill go put him in a bed and then we can continue when I come back." she just smiles and walks back to the bedroom we are staying in.

Emily's P.O.V

I go back to the bedroom and take off my shirt and walk over to Asher's suit case and put one of his on. I love wearing his clothes they smell good and they are comfy. I lay back in bed and wait for Asher. A few moments later I hear him walking in and I feel a dip in the bed next to me "So where were we? oh yeah I remember" and with that he was on top of me kissing me, he kissed my lips soft and slow yet hard and fast. He slowly worked his way down my chin and down the other side of my neck. Biting and sucking on his way to my collar bones. As he comes back up he bites on them again and right on my spot that makes me melt. I let out a soft moan as i hear him say "found it" as he continues to kiss right there for a little bit longer then moves back up to my lips. He slowly pulls away and looks down at my face and neck, he leans in again and kisses my nose and lays down next to me pulling me on his chest we both lie there and I trace his muscles. "I like it when you do that" I look up at him in confusion "Like it when I do what?" " well I like it when you take control like you did the first time, that was very hot and I like it when you trace my stomach with her fingers" "oh" "Mmhm I also really like all your hickeys who ever game em to you defiantly knows what they are doing" "How many did you give me? " he leans up a bit counts and then turns my head and counts the other side. "A lot" "oh my lord Asher now I'm gonna have to cover them all up tonight" "Why? What's tonight?" "I didn't tell you?" "No tell me what?" "We are going on a date tonight. I'm changing it up a bit instead of the guy asking a girl the girl is asking the guy, so would you like to go on a date with me tonight Mr. Daniels?" "I would love to Miss. Rider" "Perfect we are leaving at 7pm" "Sounds fantastic" "Its going to be fun I think your going to like it." "I know I will" "How do you know I haven't told you what we are doing I'm not going to tell you anyway but how do you know?" "You planned it and did it out of your heart and your doing something sweet so I know ill like it I will love it." " ya know your pretty smooth Daniels" "Oh  but darling that's what I am." " I like that one to" "Darling?" "Mmhm" "noted" he smiles down at me and I smile back up.

Next chapter will be the date.

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