Chapter 32: Emily's truck and Unexpected trips

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Asher' P.O.V:

Well after Emily left the room I called my car guy and asked him to make Em's truck bullet proof. He is going to do it in a few days so for now Emily has to either drive my car or one of the gangs cars. She goes with the lambo of course why am I not surprised. I laugh a little and start thinking about Emily again, I can never get her out of my mind she is just so perfect and I'm am so luck to have her. She is the *Ring Ring Ring * my phone starts to ring, its my father. "Hello Father" "Asher, I need you, Ralfa, and Emily to go to Barcelona and deal with our base there and do some trading ." "Okay when do we leave?" " In 3 days get ready the jet will be at the airport waiting at 6:30 am sharp be there." "Will do"  

I go to tell Emily about the trip but I cant find here, I look in all the rooms and I don't see her. I saw Ralf and asked him if he has seen her and he said check outside I thought I saw her standing there. I walk out side and see her sitting in a chair on the patio. "Hey Em, what are you doing?" "I'm sitting here thinking" "About what ?" "Us. I have been so happy sense we started dating, I felt like I had a place in this world. I feel loved and cared for, Someone actually cares about me and cares about my safety. When I was growing up I didn't have that I was lucky to be alive, on the streets no where to go, I was 10 and knew how to shoot a gun. My parents didn't even care about me they left. I don't even know who they are, they didn't tell me there real names and I don't remember what they look like and I don't have any pictures of them. All they do is send me money and  I have not a clue in the world who they are yeah they are celebrities but I don't know their names or what they look like." she starts to cry, I just hold her in my arms. I kissed her forehead and told her it was all gonna be alright. "I know what will cheer you up" "what?" she sniffles a little bit "You, Ralfa, and I are going to Barcelona for a week we leave in 3 days its for a trade with a gang but that will only take a day so we have 6 days in Barcelona." "Are you serious?" "Yes" "Ya I'm so excited, wait I don't have a bathing suit or summer clothes, after I got sick last year I lost a lot of weight and now none of my clothes fit, I don't have the money right now either so Ill just have to make something work." "Where did all the money you got from your fight go?" "Bills for the house, Its expensive before I did 2 fights a week so I could pay the bills" "Well guess what?" "You don't have to pay them anymore, the gang will, you are a member we look out for our own." "Thank you Asher but you don't have to its okay" "To bad I am and ill give you a card with money on it so you can go shopping" "Asher its okay you don't have to" "its fine I want to, please take it"  "Fine but don't put a lot on there I don't want you to spend a lot of money on me" "Darling if I could I would buy you the world.  

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