Chapter 17

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Just then, I heard a loud crashing sound and sprung from my sleep. Elliot was wide awake beside me.

"El, what was that?" I asked, terrified.

"I don't know. Stay here, I'm going to check it out," he said before slowly getting out of bed, trying to make as little sound as possible.

"No, I'm going with you. Our children are down there. You're crazy if you think I'm staying up here by myself," I said, as we both grabbed our guns from the drawer of the nightstands on each side of the bed.

"Let's go. Stay behind me," he said, as we got closer and closer to our bedroom door.

"El?" I say as we reached the door.

"Yeah, Liv?" he asked back.

"I love you so much...just know that," I said.

"I love you, too," he said before we kissed for what seemed like forever.

We opened the bedroom door and headed towards the kitchen. Bernie was in a corner with both of the twins in her arms.

We saw a gun, but we couldn't see who was holding it. I've never been so terrified in my life.

Our children were right there, with a gun pointed at them. Elliot's mother was right there. We stepped closer to see one guy.

"NYPD! Drop the weapon!" Elliot yelled to the guy as we both pointed our weapon at him.

"I'll shoot!" the male shouted.

"And you think we won't? Drop the gun!" I yelled. I was scared for all of our lives.

"I can't do that," he said, with a smile. His hand on the trigger.

I pulled the trigger on my gun and he fell to the floor. I stood there as Elliot took the gun out of my hands and pulled me into a hug.

Bernie rushed over to us and I snapped out of it, taking Brianna in my arms as Elliot held Emily.

"Bernie, are you alright?" I asked.

"Honey, I'm fine," she said with a slight smile as Elliot called for backup.

We all just stood there in silence. I was just happy to see that we were all okay.

A few minutes later, several cop cars and ambulances pulled in. The squad was there as well. They came in and checked the body, he was gone.

"Benson, Stabler, what the h*** happened here?" Cragen asked.

"Elliot and I were in our bedroom. We heard a noise, grabbed our guns, and headed in here. We saw that guy pointed a gun at Bernie and the twins. We told him to drop the weapon, he said I can't do that, and reached for the trigger. I shot once and made sure Bernie and the twins were okay," I explained.

"Are you two alright? The twins? Bernie?" Cragen asked in concern.

"We're all fine," Elliot said.

"As you two know, we're going to need a stat-" Elliot cut him off.

"Yeah, Cap. We know the procedure," Elliot said before the paramedics took the twins away to check on them.

They were perfectly fine and nothing seemed to be wrong.

Several hours later, everything with the whole deal was fine and everything was back to normal.

Bernie went home and it was just Elliot, me, and the twins.

"Hey, you did good. It was a good shooting. They cleared you," Elliot said, putting both twins in their cribs.

"I know. I just couldn't stop thinking about you three. I thought he was going to shoot the twins, or your mom and I just freaked out," I said as we began to walk to our room.

"Hey, don't stress it. If you didn't do it, I was going to. Liv, you're fine. The twins are fine. I'm fine. Now, everything's okay," he said as we got into bed.

"Yeah, I know. I just never thought that would happen," I said, getting as close to him as I possibly could.

"No one ever does, Liv," he said, taking me closer in his arms.

"I love you, El," I said as I looked up into his eyes and he looked down into mine.

"I love you, too, Liv," he said, kissing me on the lips.

"You know, for some odd reason, I thought earlier was the last time I was ever going to kiss you," I said with a slight laugh.

"I sure am glad that didn't happen," he said, causing us both to laugh as we kissed once more. "Now, you try and actually get some sleep tonight, okay?"

"I'll try. No promises," I said.

"When the twins cry, leave it to me. How many bottles did you pump when we got home from doing all that crap at the precinct?" he asked.

"As soon as we got home, I pumped 6, I think. So you should be able to feed them 3 different times," I said, snuggling into him. "Just don't forget t-"

"To warm up the bottles. I know, Liv," he said as we laughed. "Now, will you please get some sleep? You honestly deserve it. You've been doing so much since the twins have gotten home and I feel bad for you. I feel like I've done nothing to help you out."

"'s not your fault. You've done nothing wrong. It's just...I'm stressing out over nothing. I was being a bit overdramatic. I should've calmed down a bit. It's just...being a new mom is hard. I've just gotta get used to waking up every three hours," I said, laughing.

"Hey, it won't be forever. Eventually, they'll be sleeping throughout the night. Then, after that, they'll be as tall as us and we'll look back and ask ourselves where all that time went," he said, kissing my head.

"I know. I'm gonna miss it. Just thinking that my babies will be grown up quicker than I can imagine is crazy," I said, smiling.

"It's honestly crazy," he said.

"I guess we'll just have to have more kids, huh?" I said with a smirk.

"Yes, indeed," he said with a laugh before we eventually dozed off.

A/N~ Well, dang. Gah, I needed some drama so, that's what came to mind. Oops🙊 At least no one got injured! Well, comment below! I love you guys☺️💗

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