Chapter 9

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I walk in the room and see nothing fancy. I mean when you have to pay for rooms for a bunch of people to stay in for 5 months you can't really get anything fancy.

I go into the bathroom and take a shower then change into some sweats and a t-shirt.

I just lounge around since we don't have to start work until the day after tomorrow. A watch tv for a bit when I hear a knock on the door.

I open it to find Jennifer Lawrence standing there.

I was about to say hi when she said "Hey, do you have any spare food I could eat, maybe some chips, anything, I'm starved!"

Right then I just start laughing, "No but, we can go get some."

"Ok," she says so we get Josh (Hutcherson may I add), Alexander, Jack, Jackie, and some guy named Dayo who seems pretty cool. We all walk to a near buy Walmart and get two carts.

Jen and I get on the carts while pushing our selfs and just ride around while we all start throwing everything we see in the carts.

We fill the two carts up then spot one of those bins filled with colorful balls.

We start playing with them and throwing them at each other until some old lady tells us to stop.

We all then bust out laughing.

We walk to a check out line and all pitch in to pay for the stuff.

We stand there in silence for a bit looking at all the stuff when Josh says, "So I'm just going to ask the question we've all been think, how the hell are we suppose to carry all this stuff back?"

"I have an idea", Alexander says. He goes over to a girl who works here and sweet talks her into letting us use a cart to carry the stuff back.

She agrees and we take the stuff back.

Dayo quickly walks the cart back after we unload the food in Jen's room.

He comes back and we spend the rest of the night eating and getting to know each other.

Around 3:00 am we all walk back to our rooms after saying good night and I go to bed thinking, "Wow, this is going to be an amazing summer!"

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