Chapter 29

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After the words Xander and I exchanged we decided to hang out in my room.

After what's happened I haven't realized how much I missed him, with his soft golden hair and the way he makes me feel safe just by being near him.

We're lying on my bed cuddling when I feel his lips press up against my temple.

"I love you," he says in one breath with a lite stream of air blowing out onto my head.

I smile and whisper back,"I love you too," and I really do.

"You know I don't know that much about you," Xander says,"how about we'll each take turns asking a question and we both have to answer?"

"Okay," I nod in agreement,"you first."

"What's your favorite color?" Xander asks.

"Red, and yours?"

"Blue, next question,"he replies.

"Favorite food?"

"To many to choose from, you?"

"Same," I say because it's true everything is just so good.

"Hottest person ever," he asks.

"Well there is this one guy, he's all muscular, he has the softest hair you've ever felt and amazing blue eyes," I say with a grin on my face.

I notice Xander glaring at me,"And what is this guys name?"

"Alexander Ludwig," I say and kiss him on the lips.

The night continues on like that until I fall asleep in the arms of the man I love.

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