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I am officially over the whole Leonardo triangle and am now very happy with Raphael. The best part is we all get along very well.

During our evening patrol, we find out that there's something we have to retrieve from the Kraang, and that's the power cell. Donnie added a kart to the patrol buggie so that now the five of us can operate with it, and right now we're using it to track the Kraang helicopter and follow it.

Sadly, our driving is becoming messy when there's some traffic to intervene. This causes Leonardo and Raphael to make the buggie karts split up to avoid a semi-truck, and then they get back together again.

"WOO-HOO!" Mikey yells. "This is awesome!"

"Keep it down, Mikey!" Donnie yells. "I'm trying to think! Now, the T-Phone is indicating the power cell at our north!"

"Are you sure about that?" Leonardo asks. "Last time, that thing led us to a burrito in a microwave!"

"Just trust me!" Donnie answers.

Leonardo drives scandalously in every direction that Donnie yells out and we end up in a dead end, just when the Kraang's helicopter flies right above us.

"Oh, no!" Donnie says a bit sadly. "We lost 'em."

I take off my helmet and walk around the buggie, when Raphael takes my hand and pulls me closer grabbing me by the waist. I happily stand still.

"That's it," Leonardo says. "We're gonna see Leatherhead."

"The mutant crocodile you told me about?" I ask him.

"Yup," Leonardo replies.

"The mutant crocodile that likes to grab my face and shake me like a rag doll!" Donnie yells out angrily.

Mikey laughs. "Ah, good times. Come on, he's a pussy-cat!"

Donnie stares at his brother in anger at that remark. Mikey is closest to Leatherhead. From what they've told me, he has a terrible temper and can go bezerk whenever the Kraang are mentioned. So we have to be careful.

We get back in the sewers letting Leonardo and Mikey lead the way until we eventually find out we're gonna have to swim.

"Can you hold your breath long enough?" Raphael asks me, concerned.

"I'll be fine," I reply and squeeze his hand. "You guys lead the way."

"That's the spirit, Sara," Leonardo says and dives in with us following him.

I find it's not that hard to hold my breath, mostly since I love to swim and Raphael holds my hand throughout the swim. And also, Mikey swims off to pick up trash whenever he can.

But still, the deep breath I take when we reach the surface is very relieving.

"You alright?" Raphael asks.

"Yeah, you?"

He smiles softly and gently pecks my lips, then helps me out of the water.

"Who can hold their breath?" Mikey asks proudly. "We can."

"It wouldn't have had to be that long if you didn't stop to pick up trash on the way," Raphael argues.

"One man's trash is another man's treasure," Mikey says.

"I'm pretty sure it's every man's trash too," I reply. Then I spot the big crocodile. "So who's gonna wake him up?"

"Not it!" Donnie, Leonardo, Raphael and I yell at the same time.

Mikey approaches leatherhead going on about how cute he is. "Leathehead... wake-wakey eggs and bakey!" He taps Leatherhead with his toe which does the trick, but Leatherhead wakes up with a tantrum and immediately grabs Donnie by the face, just like he described. Donnie starts screaming and I rush over to help him, but Leatherhead's tail sends me flying.

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