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"Eureka! I did it!"

Raph, Mikey, Leonardo and I jump up at Donnie's celebrating and with no words run inside the lab to see what all the fuss is about.

"What, Donnie?" Leonardo asks.

"Retro mutagen!" Donnie holds up a flask with an orangey substance. "I've finally found the answer to turning April's dad human again!"

April, who has been hours inside the lab with Donnie, looks at him with a kind-hearted happiness holding her hands in front of her chest. Also, Master Splinter came in too to see what we were all talking about.

"And you, Sensei," Donnie holds out the flask to him.

"Human... again?" Splinter is indeed surprised at the possibility, but he slightly turns around without retrieving his eyes from Donnie. "Save April's father first. Then I will... consider it." He walks away.

"So, you managed to create a retro mutagen!" Leonardo says.

"I wonder if it could make me human again," Mikey says and takes the retro mutagen from Donnie. "What would I look like?" He pictures it with his eyes closed. "Aaaw yeah!"

"We were never human to begin with, dummy!" Raphael takes the flask back and hands it over to Donnie.

"Besides," says Donnie, "I only have two small doses. One for April's dad and the other for Master Splinter. It takes about ten containers of mutagen to make it and I'm all out."

"We could always find the rest," I suggest.

"I suppose," Donnie replies. "But first, let's save April's dad."

April sighs happily. "I'm... speechless! Thank you so much, you're the best, Donnie!" She puts her arms around Donnie and kisses his cheek.

"Er... Ar... okay..." Donnie faints.

April goes back into the living room oblivious to the fact that Donnie fainted. Mikey and Raph do the same, although they did see Donnie.

"I'm still curious, though," Mikey says. "What would I-"

"I already told you we were never human!" Raph says.

"I know it's just fun to picture!" He says. "I bet you'd be all tough and ugly. You know, kind of how you already look."

Raph performs and arm-lock on his little brother. "Very funny."

I hear Leonardo chuckle. "Well you can't help it. What do you think I'd look like as a human?"

"Well I already like the turtle," I say. I blush when Leonardo looks at me smiling sweetly. His loving blue eyes make me think back to our first kiss at the rooftop after fighting Tiger Claw.

His hand reaches out to take mine, when Donnie wakes up. Leonardo stops and we both go back to normal.

"She kissed me!" He says happily. "Did you see that, Sara?! Did you?!"

"I did!" I reply happily. Truth be told, I feel very happy for April and for Donnie too.

"Leo acted the same way after he kissed you," we hear Mikey call from the living room.

Leonardo and I blush, when April calls my name. She probably also wants to talk about that, so I leave the lab and take April to my room.

"So one minute I was talking with Casey and Mikey and at the other I see you and Leonardo locking lips," she says with a playful smirk. "What happened there?"

"Some weeks before that I had a nightmare about the Shredder killing me, which the turtles saw too," I say. "They were worried and went to see me. Leonardo was the last one to leave and he confessed there. And well... in that time I started to fall for him too."

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