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"You think if we both pop out, she'll freak out?" I ask Donnie.

Here we are, just the two of us on top of a roof with a plot to try and win April back. Neither of us feels good about being separated from someone who means a lot to us, so it's worth a try.

"Who do you think she'll freak out with more?" He asks me.

"You," I reply. "Definitely you."

"Then you go," he replies. 

"Come on, Donnie," I encourage him. "You know how much you wanna talk to her. Just go."

"Don't you think this is a bad idea?"

"It might be, but it's worth the try," I say. "I mean... It's April."

He gets that confident look in his face. "You're right. Stay up here and wait for my signal if everything goes right, okay?"

"Okay, Donnie," I say. I watch him run parallel to April's walking direction. She notices slightly that she's being followed. I crouch down, but can't avoid to keep looking at her. The only person who's ever felt like a sister to me doesn't want anything to do with me anymore.

"Show yourself!" She yells out suddenly. "I know you're following me!"

She throws her tessen and it hits Donnie making him pop out from behind the trash cans he was using to hide. I walk closer to where they are but still stand on the roof.

"April!" Donnie says casually. "Funny we should be both walking in this alley at night. So... ehm... how've you been?"

"Oh, the usual," April says with sarcasm. "School, homework, a mutant dad!"

"April, it wasn't entirely our fault," Donnie says. "I'm sorry."

"Not as sorry as I am!" She yells. "I never want to see you again!"

"April..." I hear Donnie say silently while April is already walking away.

I jump and land beside him, and gently place a hand on his shell. "Let's go home, Donnie."

"Yeah," he says sadly.

As soon as we set foor in the living room, Donnie's three brothers are still drooling in front of the TV watching their stupid Mecha Force show, and start laughing.

"Hey, Donnie!" Mikey says. "This totally paradoxes your story with April! Hits you right in the zone," he looks at me, "it means 'heart'."

I stare blankly at him. "I know."

"It's parallels, Mikey," Donnie corrects.

"Yeah, and besides," Leonardo begins to comfort his brother, "the princess has left the team like twenty seven times. She always comes back."

"But let's face reality," Raph says, "April's never coming back."

I nudge his arm, he returns it. Then I jab his arm, which he returns too. I end up pushing him hard enough to make him sit down. 

"Donnie?" I say.

"He went to his lab," Leonardo says. "How'd it go?"

"Not well," I reply. "She's still pretty pissed at us but... you know. I just don't want Donnie to lose hope."

"That's really sweet of you," Mikey stands next to us and offers me what he's eating. "Popcorn?"

"No, thanks," I reply. 

"Guys!" Donnie yells. "We have a problem! The Kraang communicator's reacting again!"

"Everyone get to the Shellraiser," Leonardo orders.

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