Chapter 1

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First day of High School. Yikes. Also the first time I go to school, ever. I've been homeschooled my whole life. Yeah yeah, I get "How do you make friends?" and "don't you need to socialize?" all the time. And to be honest, I really didn't. But now, I've decided that I don't want to go through my whole life without ever once going to school. I've never been inside a school before, let alone been in a classroom with a bunch of strangers. Plus it's not gonna help that I'm starting as a sophomore. But there's no way that I'm going to let anyone know any of that.

I walk up the stairs to the school and see a ton of people gathered in groups, greeting each other, and smirking as newcomers arrive. I was one of those newcomers, and one guy sized me up and down, then laughed. I glared at him as I passed him and pushed open the doors as hard as I can, but then felt something block it from opening. I walk in to find that I had knocked a tall, skinny, dorky looking boy on the ground with his books spread across the hallway.

Too concerned with myself, I look around to see everyone staring and smirking, as if asking "What are you going to do next?"

This is my chance to set the tone of the rest of my school year. I look at the boy fixing his clothes on the floor.

"Dork." I snorted.

Everyone starts laughing and passing along whispers. This is good, they don't see me as someone to pick on. They think I'm one of them. First impression = successful! The boy just looks at me sadly and quickly picks up his stuff and runs off. Everyone pushes him as he goes. I kind of feel guilty. I was never much of the mean type. But hey, this is High School, everything is different.

With a new build of confidence, I strut down the hall and find my new locker. Just as I get my stuff situated, a girl with wavy black hair comes up to me.

"Hey, so you're the new girl." She says dryly.

"Uh, yeah, what about it?" I ask in the same tone as her, trying to fit in.

She grins remembering what happened earlier. "So I see you've met the nerdiest kid in school."

Oh god. Does that make me a dork since I was associated with him?

"Oh, him? Yeah what a nerd." I force a fake laugh.

"I know, right?!" She laughs. "Hey, you wanna sit with my friends and I at lunch? I know how it sucks to be the new girl."

Wow, that's nice. She really does understand doesn't she? So far I've done all the right things after all. I casually accept her request. She says her name is Rebecca.

"I'm Amy Gerald." I say. She shows me where my first class, History, is. She warns me that if I talked to any dorks, that would be "social suicide." I'm guessing she's a Mean Girls fan?

Whatever. As long as I have a friend, I'm okay.

I walk into class and find an empty chair directly in the center of all the other chairs. Yay. I'll be called on all the time to answer questions. I stand there debating whether I should sit here or take the empty one in the back corner. Just as I decide to sit in the back, the guy who had laughed at me outside snaps his fingers at me.

"Hey." He winks. "You should sit here," he motions to middle desk next to him I was trying to avoid.

"Yeah, sure." I say, and I reluctantly plop down at the desk.

"Dalton" He says. "That's my name."

I finally get a good look at him. Spiked blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes....with eyeliner? And a black leather jacket. He's pretty attractive, but I don't know, seems like a bad boy type. He looked older then me, so why is he in my class?

"Are you a sophomore?" I asked.

"Not suppose to be. But I got held back. It happens." He says relaxing into his chair.

Okay.... I decide to get out my history books as the teacher gets a slideshow ready. Right as I lean over to the side of the desk to my backpack, someone rams into my side and falls over me.

"Ow! What the hell-" I look up to see the dorky kid I knocked earlier. Geez, he really needs to stop being such a

"Klutz." Dalton says.

"Sorry." He mumbles. He picks himself back together once again and takes the seat in the back.

I truly feel sorry for him, if he could just watch where he went all the time maybe I wouldn't have to force myself to be cruel to him. But honestly, he's pretty dorky looking with his styled brown hair and his white long sleeved sweatshirt under a grey tie and blue skinny jeans.

He fumbles as he tries to gets his books out, but they all fall.

"Cole Pendery, please keep your books organized on the desk." The teacher says without even looking away from her work. Everybody starts laughing. I join in of course. High school is cruel, remember?

Cole keeps his face down, wiping the nervous sweat off his forehead. He seems to know this will be a bad year for him. Poor Cole Pendery.

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