Chapter 17

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I woke up the next morning thinking everything was just a dream. Yeah, nope. I spotted the bruise on my arm when I fell running away from those guys. I still can't believe I got that passed my parents. I simply told them that I found a lost puppy and was trying to find its owner and forgot to get the cinnamon, and then it got too dark. Pretty far fetched, but she believed it. Let's hope she doesnt find the cinnamon on the sidewalk when I dropped it...

When I sat down in History all I got from Cole was a quick smile. Guess he's back to his usual self. I thought. Mrs. Harris started the lesso and taught about the Roaring 20s. Boooring. I kept my head down and started doodling on my paper, so deep in thought about what had happened last night. Those guys were creeps. I hope I never see them again. I kept doodling as I was thinking, my wrist was aching a bit from the bruise I got from them, so I tried to shake it off. Maybe I should try writing with my left hand...

"Amy!!" I heard my teacher yell across the room. I shot my head up, realizing she had been calling me for  a while. Mrs. Harris raised her eyebrow and walked over to my desk. She scanned me up and down and looked at my paper at my doodles. Her eyes widended. Confused, I followed her gaze at my doodles and realized they all said "Cole" with little hearts around them. My face instantly turned red. Seriously Amy?! You were subconsiously thinking about Cole???

Mrs. Harris didn't say a word about it and turned back to her desk. Cole looked at me suspiciously, but I smacked my notebook together quick enough so that he couldn't see my doodles. I knew Mrs. Harris wouldn't let this go, I just knew it. And I was right. At the end of History Mrs. Harris stopped me and Cole once again at her desk. 

"Amy, doodles tell a lot about a person." She said, looking at me with concern. Oh God.  "You and Cole must be serious considering you were doodling his name a dozen times." She stated. Cole widended his eyes and turned to look at me. I kept my tomato face away, but I could feel his smirk crawling up my skin. He's just enjoying this, isn't he?

"I realized that I can't always help you stay on track and make the right decisions all the time, so I want you guys to get counseling." She announced, proud of her descision. 

My jaw dropped. Counseling?! For Cole and I?! No no no no. "Mrs. Harris! I can assure you that we definitely do not need counseling." 

"Sweetie, please. I know it's really none of my business to get into your personal life, but I was you age once," she began. Ugh, here it comes. "And I always made the unsafest, worst choices when I was in relationships, and I don't want you both to make the same." 

Cole was trying to hold in his laughing, but every once and a while I would hear his small laugh, his beautiful, perfect laugh..... Okay, maybe we did need counseling. 

"I know you have some time between classes right now, so I am going to take you over to the school's counsel Ms. Carey." Mrs. Harris said, grabbing both of us by our arms and leading us out. 

Cole went along with it, and I looked at him with an angry face. He smirked and shrugged, turning his attention to where we were walking. Students were looking at us smiling, watching us being dragged around by our teacher. Why Mrs. Harris, whyyy?! 

She led us to a door and knocked. A woman opened the door who seemed to be in her 30s. Smooth black hair, pretty eyes, and a kind smile. 

"Ms. Carey! Do you have time for a quick counseling session for these two?" Mrs. Harris asked. So this is Ms. Carey...

"I suppose I could make time." She smiled, "Come in!" She extended her arm into the room. Mrs. Harris let go of us, and Cole and I walked in, followed by our teacher. Ms. Carey nodded her head to the chairs, and we both sat down. I rolled my eyes. I swear, I should write a book about my life. 

"These two are here because of some 'romantic' tension that I noticed going on." Mrs. Harris explained. My eyes widened at her words, immediantly making myself want to hide under a rock. Cole cupped his hand over his forehead smiling to himself. Ms. Carey nodded casually, waiting for her to go on. 

"I want you to help guide them to make the right and safest choices."

"I understand. Thank you, Walda." Ms. Carey smiled. Mrs. Harris's first name is Walda? A laugh escaped from my lips after hearing her name. Cole looked at me amused, and "Walda" looked at me partially offended. 

"See you two tomorrow." Mrs. Harris said to us, and left. I turned my attention to Ms. Carey, who was studying me and Cole.

"Uh. Hi." I broke the awkward silence.

Ms. Carey smiled, "Hello. I'm glad that I can help you both. We can start by introducing ourselves. As you may already know, I am Ms. Carey, but you can call me Carey." 

"I'm Amy..." I said softly, giving a nervous smile. This is pointless, we shouldn't even be here.

"Cole." Cole said, giving that smoldering smile of his. I stared his beautiful, perfectly structured jaw and brown soft hair. . . . . 

Amy cleared her throat, and I noticed I was caught staring. Cole looked at me with a sparkle in his eye, but I quickly turned to Carey. 

"So let's just get this started. Cole, you are the male, so you autmatically have strength and dominance in the relationship. I don't want you to pressure Amy into anything..." she hinted.

Cole chuckled in disbelief at what he was hearing, and I instantly stood up in my chair. "Carey, this is all a misunderstanding, we,- me and Cole, there is no 'romantic' tension between us. It was all a miscommunication and we need to forget about all of it!" I grabbed Cole by the arm and dragged him out without another word. 

Cole looked at me with a smirk while we were walking down the hall. "That was such a lie." 

"Uhm, what?" I asked. I was still flustered from what just happened, what is he talking about? 

"Nothing." He smiled secretly. Oh my gosh enough with the games. 

"God Cole just tell me." I demmanded. 

He stopped and pulled me in closer. "We obviously have something between us.." he whispered. 

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, a wall." And with that, I strutted off. 

Rehearsal today was actually really fun that day. It was the final rehearsal and Grease opened the next day. They did one run through and then we all played improv games. Finally I actually did something for once and enjoyed myself. Cole clung to Rebecca the whole time, so I was trying to keep my mind off of him. Luckily playing the games helped a bit. 

Afterwards I headed home and did some homework, which was hard to do because my mind kept wandering about Cole. I swear, it was like my life was revolved around Cole. "Cole this Cole that Cole kiss me Cole I hate you." My life was bonkers ever since I started school.

Before when I was homeschooled I had 4 hours of school everyday, could sleep in, work in my PJs, eat whenever I want, and I actually had a great social life. Everyone always wonders why I would give up all of that to go to school. But truth is, I wanted an adventure, a journey; I wanted something different. I didn't want to go my whole life without once being to school. I wanted to have enemies, to hate teachers, to witness drama. As weird as it seemed, I would always wonder what it would be like to be a normal school girl.

Now that I was in it, I had all of that. And to be honest, I never regretted it. Never has my life been so exciting before that. People might hate school and everything that goes on there and it might wear them out, but I thrived on that. Call me weird, but hey, that's just me.

I stood up from my bed and looked outside the window. I saw the green trees brush back and forth by the small breeze. I smelled rosemary the bushes below, and the sun was setting perfectly behind the golden hills that were behind Cole's house and- Oh my god. Through Cole's window I see him and Rebecca. Cole is shirtless and Rebecca was in tight jean shorts and only a bandeau. I gasped. They were full on making out. I saw Cole rub his hands all over her body. How disgusting. Tears streamed down my face. All of a sudden Cole turned his face out the window and spots me. His eyes widened. 

Looks like I've been caught. 

Hopelessly Devoted To You {A Cole Pendery IM5 FanFic}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz