Chapter 13

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I ran into my house bawling. I couldn't believe what he had just said. And to think the night before he actually cared. I was wrong. He was a fake, a player, and an idiot. My mom was working in the kitchen and my dad was sitting on the couch watching TV when I ran in. I didn't even think about them or what I would say.

"Hey sweetie! How was-" she looked at me with a smile that instantly dropped. "What happened?!" She rushed over examining me if I had any physical injuries or anything. My dad heard the commotion and came over, seeing my red puffy eyes. 

"Nothing." I lied. It was obvious that I was lying, tears still streamed down my eyes like spongebob when he was throwing a tantrum. 

"Are you okay? Tell us what happened." my dad said, worried. I gave a look behind me to the front door, and spotted Cole walking across the street. 

My dad followed my gaze and instantly got furious when he put it all together. He stormed out the front door. "Hey!! You!!" My dad huffed up to Cole, who who turned around immediantly. "What the hell did you do to my daughter?" my dad yelled at him. 

Cole looked past him and saw me through the open door, still sobbing. I mouthed some....uh, words to him, but he rolled his eyes and turned back to my father. "I'm sorry, sir, I believe this is all a misunderstanding." Cole gave him a nod and turned back around to go to his house. 

"You listen here boy." My dad commanded, stopping Cole with his hand, pulling him around. "I don't want you to ever speak to my daughter, touch her, look at her, or even breathe the same air as her, again."

Cole snickered. "Then please, continue homeschooling her." He gave my dad a pat on the back and walked away. What the freakin hell was that? Cole just disrespected my father. My feelings for him dissppeared that instant. My dad stood there, bewildered and flustered. 

Cole walked up to his house when I noticed a curtain from inside moved. Cole was just about to open his door when his mother swung it open, heading straight to my father. 

"Youu! I don't know what business you have with my son but you need it to stop." She said sternly. Cole gave me one last look and went inside, shutting the door.

"Your son is what caused my daughter to cry for no reason!" 

"Cole would never do such a thing. That little drama queen of yours needs to grow up!" 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Such venom in every word said to each other. Cole was a complete jerk. I don't know the slighest of what happened to him but I hated him. He messed with my freakin emotions and now I'm a wreck. I stormed upstairs while my mom was trying to tell me to come back down so that I could "talk about it," but I slammed the door. I walked up to the window to resume watching this mess play out. 

"I should've known you people were trouble when you started accusing my son out of nowhere at dinner." Mary spat. 

"I'm terribly sorry that you don't know one thing about your son." My dad said back, glaring at her. 

Mary gasped. "The fact that you were getting into an arguement with an almost 16 year old boy just shows how selfish and immature you are. You are a grown man, Jerry. Act like it!" she huffed and stormed back into the house, slamming it. I have to admit, Cole's family was pretty good with comebacks. My dad shook his head furiously and headed back to our house. I heard it slam, and then came the bickering. 

I was closing my shades, taking a last look at Cole's house, that sickening place. I looked at his window and-Oh my god. He was there, staring at me! His face was emotionless. It was like he wanted to do something, but he just closed his shades quickly. Idiot. I shut mine completely as well. 

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