Chapter 3

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I pushed Cole against the lockers.

"It was you wasn't it?! YOU are the one who started all this about me wasn't it?! What the hell were you thinking?!" I screamed, pushing him again, with no space between us.

Nobody was around, everyone was in class already. I didn't care if I missed class, as long as he got what he deserved.

"Let go of me." He said. But he didn't even try. His head and eyes were down, not looking at me.


"I don't know why you're so mad," he said. "After all the things you've done to me and what I've been through, this is nothing."

I was raging. "Are you trying to get even with me?"

"I was trying to help you!" He said with force. He lifted his head up and stared into my eyes.

My eyes flickered. I've never really seen his face before. I've never seen him act this way..... I've never been this close to...I pushed away that feeling and glared at him again. He wasn't turning away like I hoped he would.

"This wasn't helping me." I said through gritted teeth.

"You were becoming too much like them. That wasn't you, Amy," he replied with a sudden change in his eyes. Like he actually cared...

"I..." I didn't know what to say. He was completely right. I've changed too much. I bullied people, I ignored the school musical, I was a different person.

Cole noticed I had nothing to say. He gently grabbed my hand, pulling it off his shirt. "We're missing History." He smiled. And he lead me to class.

We walked into History together. The whole class stared at us, smirking. My seat was taken next to Dalton, and the only empty one left was the one next to Cole's. This can't get any worse.

"You're late." Mrs. Harris said.

No kidding. Cole and I walked to our chairs, but Dalton tripped us, causing a domino effect. Cole fell on top of me.

"Get off of me!" I tried pushing him off, but he was surprisingly a lot heavier then expected.

"She's not interested, Pendery." Dalton smirked.

Cole blushed and quickly got off of me. We both went to sit down and we didn't say one word to each other until lunch. Boy did I hate him.

I arrived at lunch and saw Cole sitting by the trash can, once again. He looked up at me, then quickly back to his food. I saw Dalton and Rebecca's table. But I didn't want to sit with them, and I'm pretty sure they didn't want to sit with me. I wasn't even hungry. I just felt sick to my stomach.

Who cares if I was homeschooled?

Oh right, everyone did.

I turned around and started heading back, but someone tightly grasped my arm and was pulling me off. I look to see Dalton. Gabe had Cole.

"LET GO OF ME! GET THE HELL AWAY!" I scream. But they were too strong. Dalton just smirked.

"Dude just let her go!" Cole said. He was getting angry. Cole swung his fist into Dalton's stomach which made him instantly let go of me, clenching himself in pain.

I immediately ran off, and scurried into the Janitor's office. I closed the door, breathing heavily. I heard nobody following me. Why wasn't I happy? I had just escaped a mouthful of toilet water. Cole had helped me get away...and I just left him there. Good job Amy. Great work.

I just sat in the closet, waiting for this day to be over. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep. Next thing I know I wake up and look to see Cole sitting right beside me. Just I was opening my mouth to scream he covered my mouth with his hand, his eyes wide open. 

"Shh!" He whispered. "It's just me." 

"What are you doing here?! You scared me to death." I freaked. 

"I thought I would hide from everyone too." He sadly smiles. He turned away, revealing a black eye. 

"Who did this to you?" I asked, disturbed, putting my hand to his face.

"Well, let's just say that Dalton doesn't really like to be punched in the stomach." He laughs. But I wasn't laughing. I thought Dalton was my friend. Turns out he was a bigger jerk than I was. 

There was silence as we stared at each other. 

"I'm sorry." I broke the silence. "I just left you and-" 

"Hey. I get this everyday, I'm used to it." he sighs. 

I could tell he'd been through a lot of pain in his life. I felt really bad that I was so mean to him at first.  He turns back to look at me, but with a sparkle in his eye. He slowly leaned in, looking to make sure I was okay with what he was about to do. Honestly, I was freaking out, frozen, nevous. He smirked, and then finally kissed me. His lips felt cold against mine, probably still chilled from the toilet water. I quickly pulled away and slapped him, without realizing what I had done. 

"Oh crap! I'm so sorry, it just came as a reflex and I was really nervous and wasn't expecting that and-"

"No, no its okay. I uh...probably shouldn't have done that." He said. And abruptly opened the door and left.

Oh god why did I have to slap him? I mean it's not like I was enjoying it, was I? ....Was I? Well, never knew my first kiss would be in a Janitor's Closet, thats for sure. 

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