Chapter 22

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“Amy!!! Your date is here!!!” my mom called from downstairs.

I glide the lipgloss across my lips for the last time before stuffing it in my sparkly purse. Prom was tonight, and it was going to be magical. I had been in a bad mood the past few days every since that little 'conversation' me and Cole had, but I've decided to get over it.

I skipped the cast party because I couldn't go 10 minutes without crying. I heard the party was a dud anyways. After the first hour the neighbors complained and called the police.

You couldn't really blame Cole, what he did was incredibly sweet. Performing Grease was one of the best times I've had this school year. He sacrificed being with the school's Queen B, (literally), just so that I could play one of my dream parts. I couldn't stay mad at him forever! So here I am, happy as can be and more excited than ever for Prom!

I take one last look in the mirror to make sure I look just right. For once I actually feel pretty. Tonight will be the best night ever.

Beep Beep!

My mom opened the door. I heard murmurs at the door notifying me that my date has arrived. Oh my God. He's here. Okay, okay. Stay cool. I took a deep breath and breathed out, switching off my room light. I turned around and- KNOCK!

“OW! Crap!” Ran into the freakin door frame. I groaned and rubbed my forehead. I swear to God if a bruise shows up I'm gonna-

“Amy? What was that? Are you okay?” I heard my my call from downstairs.

“Oh yeah! Yeah I'm fine!” I yell back reassuringly. “Forgot to grab my pride...”

I shake off the growing pain and started to head down the stairs, being careful not to trip over my incredibly high heels. I do not need to fall on my butt in front of this gorgeous boy.

Luckily, I make it down safely. I quickly fix my hair and turn the corner, my jaw dropping when I lay my eyes on the guy of my dreams.

He was standing at the doorway talking to my mom, laughing at whatever freaky thing she must be saying. His laugh was the most adorable thing in the world. He looked up from my mom and his eyes found me. He gulped nervously, making his adams apple jitter around.


He looked like a god in that smooth black suit of his, and his perfectly styled hair made me want to run my fingers through it. I was obviously full on checking him out, but he wasn't any better. He looked like a drooling puppy. An adorable drooling puppy.

“Amy! You look gorgeous!” my mom squealed, making me snap my eyes away from the god boy in front of me.

“I, uh, second that.” the god boy awkwardly said in the cutest way ever.

I think my knees are buckling.

“Get together for a picture!” My mom excitedly ordered, picking up her camera. She waved her hand at at us to make us get together. And believe me, I did not need to be told twice.

I kept my cool and gave him a small smile as I walked up to him. He smiled back with his dorky smile. Like seriously, this boy can't be any more perfect. He is the exact definition of a sexy dork. How did I become so lucky?

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. Now usually girls would be all like “right when we touched it sent fireworks through my body omigod”, but this is not the case. I would describe it as an elephant stomping on my hormones. Not the most romantic thing, but 100% accurate.

I pulled my eyes away from him and turned towards the camera, putting on my best smile. For once I didn't have to force it, it just came naturally.

Hopelessly Devoted To You {A Cole Pendery IM5 FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now