Chapter 10

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"Bye mom!" I called while leaving the house for school. I walked out into the cold air and stared at Cole's house. I was still creeped out after seeing him spy on me while I was changing. Maybe today he wont walk with me. I skipped down the street and kept looking back to make sure Cole wasn't following me. But when I turned around to check again, there he was, trailing behind. Crap.

I spun around and started running. I really didn't want to talk to him. I heard fast footsteps behind me, and glanced around when I saw Cole running straight for me. God, he's fast. Within seconds he was beside me, smirking. 

"Hey, Cole..." I sighed, slowing my pace back down. 

"What? Not happy to see me?" He asked, looking smug.

"To be honest, no." I said plainly.

"You're lying." he said, smiling to himself.

He's right, Amy. What do I do? Should I just forgive him? I couldn't pretend not to like him anymore. It's too hard. 

Cole seemed to have sensed me trying to figure out what to say, and snickered. "Listen, even if you still like me, which I know you do, I'm kind of with Rebecca now." he said, trying to stab me in the heart. 

It worked. The pain was all over my face. This jerk! After all he's done to me, he has to go and say that, to do that to me. 

"I thought you hated her." I snapped.

"Actually, I love her." he said, smirking at me. 

I couldn't take it anymore. He's cruelness, his attitude, him. I turned to him and swung at him, but he easily caught my hand, as if expecting that to happen. He harshly pulled me in and kissed me, holding me so that I couldn't fight him. Truth is, I couldn't. I couldn't do anything, he was too strong. 

It lasted pretty long, but then he let me go, smirking to himself. He kept walking, leaving me in his tracks. Furious, I ran up to him.

"Uhm, excuse me, but what the hell was that??" I spat. "You tell me you love another girl, and then you kiss me? You, sir, is screwed up." 

He seemed to be enjoying my reaction. "I like seeing you get angry, its sexy." he said, in a seducting tone. 

Oh. My. God. Obviously me trying to push him away isn't doing anything. I'll just have to go with my original plan. I'll have to give him a taste of his own medicine. 

"Listen, sweetheart, I know you like me, it's written all over your face," I began, with an intimidating smile. He was caught off guard, and he started to get uncomfortable. "But truth is, I'm actually really into Dalton. And after our first kiss-"

"You kissed him?!" Cole quickly interrupted me, obviously jealous. 

"Of course!" I lied. "Many, many times.." I stretched, trying not to vomit in my mouth. I was doing a pretty good job at making him believe me. I am a pretty good actress. Mr. Bark made a huge mistake, that's for sure.

We had just arrived at school, and you could see him start to shake with fury. He stormed off, not saying a word to me. 

This could work. I thought, smiling to myself. 

I walked into History, and saw Cole already sitting in his chair. Dalton was finally there, since he kept missing class because he was over sleeping. 

"Hey babe!" I said to Dalton, maybe a bit over doing it. Cole stared at us, with jealous raging through him.

Dalton looked at me, confused, then back at Cole. He smiled, "Hey darlin!" He said, getting up and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I have to admit, I was pretty shocked. 

"What are you doing?" I whispered in his ear.

"Playing along." He smirked, glancing back at Cole, who glared at us. 

"I thought you hated me. Why are you helping me?" I asked. Dalton why do you have to give me mixed messages? 

"I hate him more." Dalton said, gesturing to Cole. 

"Thanks." I replied. Reminds me of the old Dalton I was friends with...

I went and sat back down next to Cole. Dalton winked at me, and I blew him a kiss. I know, I was being super cheesy about it, but I enjoyed making Cole angry.

When class was over Dalton and I walked out, making "small talk" while Cole was walking behind us. As  I was going to walk away, Dalton pulled me in and kissed me, like literally kissed me! He kissed me passionately, and right. infront. of. Cole.

"Oh get a room." Gabe said, walking pass us from class. 

We broke from the kiss, and I blushed. What just happened? This is weird. 

That did it. Cole rushed up to us and pushed us apart, making me slam to the ground. He grabbed Daltons shirt and shoved him to the wall.

"You keep your damn hands off her." He threatened. Dalton, for once, was actually frightened, and nodded his head. Cole pushed him aside and Dalton quickly walked away. I was pretty scared too. I had never seen Cole act this way, so...protective. 

Cole came over to me and gripped my arm, pulling me up, and dragging me to a part of the school where there was barely anybody there. He slammed me against the wall.

"Dont ever talk to him again." he said, only an inch apart from my face.

"You can't tell me what to do." I spat back.

"You're mine." He emphasized. 

"You don't own me." 

"Amy Gerald, I wish I didn't love you." he said harshly, crushing his lips onto mine.

Did, did he just, Cole Pendery just said, but he, he...

He loves me.

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