Chapter 4

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Ever since our kiss in the Janitor's office, Cole hadn't talked to me for the rest of that day. He wouldn't even look at me. Maybe he thought the kiss wasn't good? Why would I even care? I didn't even like him.

After the Janitor had kicked me out, I walked down the hall pass the Grease Audition board. I stopped. I had nothing else to lose. I signed my name. I looked to see how many others had signed up. 20. One being.....Cole Pendery.

I wish I would've signed up last week, because auditions were in two days, and I had no idea what to sing. I couldn't sing a song from the show, that would be an audition nono, yet I couldn't sing a song that was totally opposite from it. I needed to sing something similar...but what?

After school I searched for Cole, I may have hated him for what he had done to me, but I really needed help with a song, and he was the only one I had. I had finally found him as he was leaving school to walk home.

"Cole! Wait up!" I called.

He froze, then turned around, flinching when I came up.

"It's just me." I gave a half smile.

"Did you need something?" He said, uncomfortable.

"Yeah! I decided to sign up for Grease." I said.

"Oh," he replied, sounding disappointed, "Cool."

"...yeah! So I was wondering if you could help me pick a song to sing?" I asked, hoping he would say yes.

He took a moment, at first he seemed really happy that I asked him, but suddenly he turned nervous again.

"Sorry, I can't." He finally answered, and turned away walking faster than be was before.


"Sorry." I heard him say.

What was that all about? Did I do something wrong? Yeah I might've left him behind to be dunked in a toilet and slapped him when he kissed me, but I don't see how this could be my fault. He's the one I should be mad at for spilling everything I wanted to hide.

That night I practiced the song I finally picked, after many hours of deciding. Good Morning Baltimore, from Hairspray. It kinda has the same vibe as Grease, so let's hope this works.


The next morning I arrived at school shaking. I had never been this nervous for an audition before. If I didn't get in this, the rest of the year at school would be awful.

"Break a leg." I heard Rebecca say behind me. "Literally."

I turned around to punch her but ended up hitting Cole, who had walked in front of her. He fell to the floor as everyone watched, bursting out laughing.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I helped Cole to his feet, but he immediately bolted inside without even looking at me. Rebecca was the only one not amused.

"You were going to hit me." She said, her anger rising.

"Was I?" I said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and made my way inside.

Stopping me was Dalton, Gabe, Will, and Dana. I felt Rebecca's presence behind me.

"Can I help you?" I asked, annoyed.

Dalton stepped up and grabbed my arm.

"We have some unfinished business."

Gabe grabbed and pulled my other arm, with Dana and Rebecca following to make sure I couldn't get away this time. Their grips were tight, making me yelp in pain.

"What the hell's wrong with you people?" I screech while they were pulling me inside the men's bathroom. They all exchanged amused glances with each other, ignoring me.

Dalton grabbed my hair roughly, almost pulling it out of my scalp, and dunked my into the toilet water. He kept me there for a long time it felt, and I couldn't breathe. I was struggling to get up, but Dalton's force was too strong. I heard muffled laughs and picture snaps from under the water. I was squirming my arms and legs to get out, but he pushed his hand harder on me, pushing my face against the bottom of the toilet, smashing my nose.

I was feeling dizzy, the lack of air was getting to me, and I didn't take a breath before I got dunked. He finally let go, and everyone scurried out, leaving me there, lying on the bathroom floor breathless. I slowly got up, my knees struggling to stand. My hair and face was dripping of toilet water, and I opened the men's door to leave, when Cole was coming in. I was never happier to see those brown eyes.

Cole stood there, looking shocked at me. He saw my wet hair, and me holding my nose.

"Amy...." He said, speechless. His eyes boiled with anger for what had happened to me. He slowly pulled my hand off of my nose and touched it, making me flinch with pain.
"You're nose looks broken." He said.

I nodded, a tear sliding across my face.
He gently wiped the tear off, sadness creeping into his eyes. He took my hand and put his shoulder over me, and led me out into the school's empty hallway. We walked into the Nurse's office.

I explained how I broke my nose, and why I was dripping wet. Cole stood there appalled listening, him shaking with fury. And then the nurse started quizzing me with questions.

"And who did all this to you?" She asked.

"Dalton, Gabe, Will, Dana, and Rebecca." I answered, still shaking of pain from the experience.

"I thought only Dalton and Gabe dragged you and did all this?" She asked, puzzled.

"They did, but the others were there watching." I said.

"I see," She replied, jotting down some stuff on a notebook. "Well Amy, Gabe and Dalton will definitely be punished. Will, Dana, and Rebecca on the other hand, didn't do anything but watch, so they probably won't suffer consequences, up to the Principal.

"Thank you." I said, glad that Dalton will finally get what he deserved.

"As of now, you better stay here, we will need to ice your nose." She stated. "Mr. Pendery, you can go back to class"

Cole looked at me and I nodded. He turned to leave.


Cole left Amy and headed straight for History. He barged in the room, looking for Dalton. Once he spotted him, he ran up to him, snatching his shirt.

"Why the hell did you do that to Amy?! Huh?!" he yelled. Dalton was frozen in shock, he never thought Cole could be this vicious. Cole threw him to the floor.

"I swear to God Dalton if I ever see you touch her again-"

"Cole! Just what do you think you're doing?!" Mrs. Harris bolted in.

"Get the hell away Pendery." Dalton gasped.

"Cole Pendery! Will you explain to me what's going on?!" She demanded.

They were interrupted by an announcement over the speakers.

"Dalton Rapattoni and Gabe Morales, you are needed in the principal's office." it said.

Dalton nervously looked around the room, everyone staring at him. He quickly got up and ran out the door.
I was excused for the rest of the day. I had to go to the hospital and have them bandage it up. My parents kept asking a series of questions on how it happened, but I simply said someone opened a door and it slammed on me when I was trying to get inside. I had a white bandage over my nose and it was so embarrassing. I didn't know how I was going to make it through school tomorrow, especially since it's audition day.

I was doing homework on my bed when is heard someone knock on my bedroom door.

"Not now mom, I'm doing homework." I called.

They knocked again.

"Mom!" I moaned, getting up and opening my door.

It was Cole.

"Oh! Dammit," I muttered, quickly covering my nose.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." Cole smirked.

"No, of course not! Sorry..." I blushed, keeping my hand over my nose.

"It's okay," he smiled, pulling my hand away from my nose, revealing the bandage.

His eyes flashed with anger looking at it, but was quickly replaced with caring.

"I thought I could help you with your audition, since I was such a jerk to you before." He offered.

I thought that was the sweetest thing. "Yeah, sure!" I said, welcoming him in.
He went and sat down on my bed. He turned to look at my computer screen. He looked up at me and smirked.

"You weren't doing schoolwork, were you?" he said.

"No," I laughed, embarrassed that he saw my search of "How to calm nerves before an audition."

"I'm sure you'll do amazing." He said almost reading my mind, making my heart melt. "Let's hear what you've got."

I froze. No, no way was I gonna sing for him, in my bedroom, for this incredibly perfect boy. Too perfect... God Amy, don't think that, he's the school dork. But that day he didn't look like it. He for once wore a shirt that didn't cover his arms all the way, showing some muscle. Actually, a lot of muscle.....No, shake this Amy.

"I can't. I'm way too nervous." I admitted. "Maybe I could help you?"

He looked up at me with a sparkle on his eye. "Okay." He practically whispered.

He started singing and Oh. My. Freaking. Goodness. I had never heard him outside of a group before, and man, he was amazing. The whole time I stared into his beautiful eyes, and he suddenly eased out of it, smiling at me. He gently put his hand on my face, and started leaning in. I felt his lips less then one flinch close....

"Amy!" My mom startled us, standing at the door with her jaw dropped.

Cole instantly stood up.

"Mom?! What are you doing?" I asked, my face completely red. She didn't even think I was into boys, so walking in on me about kiss one must've been pretty shocking. Cole stood there, not knowing what to do.

"What do you think you're doing?!" She asked, studying Cole.

"Nothing. Can't you knock?"

"I came to check up on you, and I'm sure glad I did!" She said, looking back and forth from me and Cole. "You," She pointed at Cole, "You should leave now."

Cole turned to look at me to say something, but decided not to and quickly left. My mom turned towards me.

"You, young lady, are too young for boys! I don't ever want to see you associated with him again."

Hopelessly Devoted To You {A Cole Pendery IM5 FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now