Chapter 11

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Cole Pendery loves me. He actually loves me. I kept thinking about that for the rest of the school day. Cole didn't say another word to me that day, and he was trying to avoid me. I didn't know why, maybe he was embarressed? I don't know. Who cares? He loved me! 

I walked into Grease rehearsal and saw Cole talking to Mr. Bark. He didn't look very happy. He saw me walking in and immediantly stopped talking to Mr. Bark. What's going on here? I took a seat in the front row and got comfy. I would be sitting here for two hours, taking notes and doing nothing. Rebecca was always rude to me, purposely making me confused so that it would be hard to follow what she was doing. Plus, she would always flirt with Cole. I hated that the most. I don't know why, I don't even know if I like him that much, let alone know if I love him. 

The day is almost half over and I've already been through so much. When rehearsal was over, I saw Cole go up and talk to Rebecca. I was packing my stuff up and kept glancing at them. Why would Cole need to talk to her? I have to admit, I was a little jealous. Only a little! Probably talking about Grease notes and stuff.... I kept trying to reassure myself. Sometimes I would catch them looking at me, then they would quickly turn away. 

I got my stuff together and walked passed them, look to see what they were up to. Rebecca didn't look very happy when she was talking to Cole, but then her frown turned into a smirk. She spotted me and waited for me to pass her until she spoke. I guess I'll never know. 

I headed home knowing Cole wouldn't be able to catch up, since he was talking to Rebecca. Whatever. I didn't care. Just because he said he loved me doesn't mean we were together... I got home and dropped my stuff off in the kitchen. 

"Hey! How was school?" my mom asked, who was sitting at the counter.

"It was good." I mean, it was a good day. Cole told me he loved me. That was good...right? 

"Good. Tonight we are going to go over to our neighbor's house to have dinner. They invited us." 

"Oh, okay." I said, my mind on other things. I went into my room and did some homework before dinner.  Afterwards I got some dinner clothes on, and fixed up my makeup. 

"Amy!!! It's time to go!!!" My mom called from downstairs.  

I unplugged my charging phone and headed downstairs. My parents and I left the house and started walking. I didn't even know where we were going. I glanced across the street at Cole's house. I wonder what he's doing, I thought. I followed my parents across the street, thinking we were going to our neighbor Caroline's house, I turned right when we got to the other side. 

"We're going this way." My mom Cole's house. 

"What? Why are we going there?" I started to get nervous. I've had too much going on to me that day, I didn't need more Cole drama. 

"Because they invited us! I thought we told you this." My dad said, looking at my mom like she was guilty. 

"Well, I know. But I didn't think we were coming here..." I said, my voice trailing off. My mom will freak when she finds out Cole lives there. She does not like him, ever since his secret visit in my room. She told my father about it and he's been more protective than ever. This isn't going to turn out well. 

My parents ushered me to the front door and knocked. Please don't be Cole, please don't be Cole. It wasn't. A woman appeared when the door was opened. I could see the resemblance of Cole. I guessed it was his mother.

"Hello! I'm Mary." she shook hands with my mom and dad. "You must be Amy." She said, looking at me, with a broad smile. I nodded and smiled back.

"You know her?" my mom asked to me, surprised. 

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