Chapter 23

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I choose Dylan.

I mean, it was totally obvious that I should go with him. The night after prom I had a dream about him. He was holding my hand as we walked along the beach at sunset. I know, totally cliche, but it still gave me chills in my sleep. If you have a dream about a boy, that pretty much means he's the one, right? Yeah, I had dreams about Cole.....and those were definitely more hardcore than just walking along a beach, but....ugh! 

Am I overthinking this? No, No I'm not. I choose Dylan and nobody is going to change that. Not even...


There he was, leaning up against my locker as I entered school the next morning. Just my luck. It's like the universe just loves putting me in uneasy predicaments. I decided to let it go and act like I am not fazed. Obviously that didn't work.

"Something bothering you?" Cole asked with a smirk. 

"What?, just tired, that's all. Last night was long for me." I said, smiling giddingly remembering me and Dylan's kiss. 

Cole stared at me as if he knew what I was smiling about. That was kinda awkward. I reached up  and started to unlock my locker, as an ache came into my arms. Dalton. I purposely chose long sleeves to cover up the red marks, which, by the way, looks bright as day. But then, then guess what happens next?

My sleeve drops down.

Aw crap. Roll it up roll it up roll it up. I scream to myself as I shuffle to pull the sleeve back.  Already Cole has seen it as is looking at me concerned. Screw getting my books. I give up on my locker and start half running/walking away.

"Amy, Amy!" Cole calls after me as I turn the corner of the hallway. 

"It's none of your concern Cole!" I say as a keep my eyes ahead of me. But Cole, being that athlete that he is, easily catches up to me and stops me. 

"Who did this to you?" He asked, scanning my eyes for answers. 

"It doesn't matter. It's done, it's overwith. Get to class." I try to scramble away but he catches me, carefully not grabbing the part of my arm that's sore. 

"Was it Dylan?" He demmanded angrily. I looked at him shocked, speechless. What was I suppose to say? Of course it wasn't Dylan but I couldn't tell him it was Dalton either. Why did Cole have to know everything?

"It was wasn't it? That son of a-" 

"No, Cole! God! It most definitely was not Dylan!" I almost shouted, causing the whole school to stare at us. 

"Stay out of this, okay?" I almost begged, keeping my volume at a low. I started to walk into my first class with Cole following closely behind, and I immediantly see Dalton sitting down. I freeze in my tracks. My heart starts pounding and anxiety starts rushing through me. 

"Amy?" Cole asked from behind. 

I cleared my throat and averted my eyes away from Dalton's, who was peering into mine. Gabe murmured something into Dalton's ear, and Dalton smiled. I took my seat in the back next to Cole and prayed for this class to hurry the hell up. 

About halfway through the class there was a knock at the door. My eyes (and hormones) were very excited to see Dylan enter. He whispered something in the teacher's ear. The teacher's eyes turned to me. 

"Amy, you may be excused from the class. I am so sorry." The teacher said. I gave a confused look to Dylan, who returned it with a wink. 

I think my insides just melted.

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