Chapter 16

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I headed out the door to head to school. Nothing was really exciting those days. Yeah Grease was opening in 2 days, but I could care less about that. I wasn't even looking forward to Prom. I was going with Dalton, and after what he did to me, I really did not want go with him. He was a creep. I'm going to tell him that I've decided not to go. 

I walked faster with determination and rounded the corner. I then saw Cole just little ways in front with me. I ran up to him.

"Hey!" I said cheerfully. 

"Uh, hi.." he said nervously, looking around our surroundings.

"What's up?" I asked, trying to start a conversation up.

He stared at me with a clenched jaw. "Don't talk to me." 

What? I was totally thrown off. "E-excuse me??"

He grabbed onto my wrist pulling me aside and leaned to my ear. "You're going to have to trust me and just not talk to me today....or tomorrow" he whispered. 

"Why??" I was pissed. Here he goes again. It's like a rollercoaster with him. 

"Dammit just trust me." He said before leaving. He let go of my wrist and walked off, rounding the corner to school. 

What the hell was that about? I was truly flustered, and I didn't know whether to trust him or not. I definitely wasn't going to try and talk to him that day, that's for sure.

I shook it off and rounded the corner to school. I walked into History and saw Dalton, which reminded me that I was going to tell him about Prom. Cole was already sitting in his chair, when I sat down next to him, and he didn't even look at me. I rolled my eyes and got out my books. Mrs. Harris walked into the room and sat her stuff down on her desk. My face reddened when I remembered what happened yesterday. I glanced at Cole and saw him smirking to himself. 

I barely paid any attention to the lesson, because I was trying to figure out what I would say to Dalton. "Hey, you're a creep, so I've decided not to go to Prom with you." or "Listen Dalton....I'm actually going out of town so I can't go to Prom."  or simply "Forget about Prom you pedophile." 

The bell rang and distracted my thoughts. Class was over and it was time to tell Dalton. I was the first out of class, ( luckily Mrs. Harris didn't stop me), so I waited outside the door for Dalton. One by one students came out. It wasn't long until Dalton arrived. 

"Dalton!" I grabbed his wrist before he walked past me. He turned around quickly and was surprised to see me. "Hi..." I said awkwardly. Oh gosh where do I begin? 

"Hey..." he said confused. He then looked around, probably to try to find if Cole was anywhere around.

"Uh yeah, so...listen..." I swallowed and continued, "I-I think that we, I-" Focus Amy! "I'm not going to Prom." I forced out. 

His eyes widened and he took a moment. I was scared of what he was going to do. I didn't know if he was going to smash me against the wall again or hit me or something! Dalton was very unpredictable. 

"Fine." he said with a clenched jaw. 

"Fine..?" I asked. Is this real? Am I dreaming?

"Fine." he repeated. He turned and walked away. I could've sworn I saw a smirk on his face, but I was shocked at how easy that was. Too easy...

At lunch I sat with my usual crowd, and once again Cole and Rebecca were sitting alone at a table. Their food was barely touched, probably because they were eating each other. Like seriously, it was a complete make out session. I was too disgusted to think what they did together when they weren't out in public. I tore my eyes away from them and started nibbling on my food. I hated when I saw them doing that. I always got annoyed and angry. Deep down inside though, I secretly wished it was me in Rebecca's place. I would never admit it. 

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