Chapter 12

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I woke up to the chirping of birds and the dim light growing brighter by the second. I yawned stretching out my arms to empty space. Everything that happened last night came back to me. Dinner with Cole, my parents' being annoying, Cole coming in last night and sleeping with- Wait a minute! My eyes shot open and was partially blinded by the light. I slowly adjusted and scanned the room. He wasn't there, where did he go? My eyes traveled to the open window, realizing that he went back. I sighed, wishing I would've woken up next to him. 

I need to stop being so clingy. I checked my phone and the time marked 7:30. Oh crap. School started at 8 and I still needed to get ready. I jumped out of bed and headed straight for the bathroom, pausing as I saw myself in the mirror. My straight strawberry blonde hair was a mess, and my make up was smudged up from the day before. No wonder why he left so early. I shook it off and brushed my teeth, making them as white as possible. Afterwards I brushed my hair, which took up most of my time, trying to untangle my brush as it kept getting caught in my knots. I glanced at the time again. 7:45. I'm going to miss my walk to school with Cole! I smacked on some makeup in less than two minutes, surprised that I did a pretty good job even though I rushed it. I threw on a tanktop and jeans and ran out the front door. 

I was surprised when I saw Cole sitting on the sidewalk outside. Was he waiting for me? No, he couldn't have been. 

"Cole...?" I called, as I walked up to him. 

He instantly stood up and turned around, giving me that signature smirk of his. "Hey." He said, walking closer to me, putting his hand on my face and leaning in. 

"Woah, woah, woah," I stopped him, pulling away. "What do you think you're doing?" 

He chuckled, "I just thought that, since last night..." he paused, waiting for me to say something. I raised an eye brow, amused, and waited for him to continue. 

"Nevermind." He smiled, looking down. Just for a second...I saw the Cole I had met months ago...But then he shot his head back up with his usual cockiness. "Let's go." 

We started walking down the sidewalk to school. We were going a bit faster than usual, since I had been late. I kept thinking about Old Cole, how he was so nerdy, weak, and sensitive. Now I was with this New Cole, who was cocky and strong; nobody messed with him as much as before. 

"What happened to you?" I blurted randomly. As soon as I realized what I had said I looked down, hiding my boiling face. 

I could feel Cole's eyes on me, confused, and partially amused. "What do you mean?" 

I couldn't reveal my feelings that I was feeling, confusion, desperate, and lost, to him. This was Cole we were talking about! I hated and loved him at the same time. ...Do I love him?  I shook the uncomfortable feeling off and responded. "It's nothing, nevermind." I quickly picked up my pace. 

"Secrets..I see." He teased, catching up. I could feel his subtle uneasiness, not liking the fact that I was keeping something from him. Truth is, he always kept things from me. I could feel it. He was a mystery, and I wanted to figure him out. 

"I'm sure you know what those are." I added sarcastically, looking back up at him. He shook his head with a smile, but didn't push it. He knew that I things on him, so if he wanted to know something I would want to know something too. I was glad I had that kind of power, to hold my own. 

We didn't say another word to each other and arrived at school a few minutes pass 8. We rushed to History and were relieved when our teacher hadn't arrived yet. Dalton eyed me as we walked in, but I ignored him. I was still a little weirded out by our kiss. I noticed Cole clench his jaw when he saw Dalton staring at me, but slowly released it as we sat down.

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