Chapter 18

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That's all I could think.


I thought Cole was finally changing, but I guess I was wrong. After he had caught me staring at him I quickly closed my shades and collapsed on my bed. I went to bed later that night with that disgusting image in my mind. I know I shouldn't be mad, him and Rebecca were a couple, and he wasn't cheating on me. We were just friends....with benefits.

Today would be a long day of school. It's our first performance for Grease, so we have to stay and get ready for it after school. I wasn't even nervous. Basically I would be sitting backstage watching everyone else have fun and get laughs and claps from the audience. Sounds like fun!

I headed out the door and walked straight to school. I wanted to avoid him. I also felt the urge to find Rebecca and pull her hair out screaming that Cole was mine but I relentlessly pushed that pleasant thought away.

I got to school easily without any interruptions. I walked down the hall to History but stopped dead in my tracks. What the hell?! Cole had Rebecca up against the lockers and was kissing her. Like, full on kissing her! She had her hands in his hair and he had his hands on her hips. Everyone around me was staring in shock. No one fully makes out in the school hallway like that. That disgusting piece of- The bell rang and it was time for class. Cole swallowed her one more time and bolted to class without even noticing me. I walked passed Rebecca and saw her stupid smile staring me down.

I bolted into class and quickly walked to my seat and sat down. Cole gave me a nervous smile but I ignored him. Mrs. Harris arrived shortly after and sat her papers on the desk. 

"Good Morning everybody. Today we will just be reviewing everything for the test that's on Monday. Please use this weekend to study chapters 10-20 in your History book. I want you all to ace this test." She announced. Oh crap! I haven't been paying attention in History at all with Cole around! I've barely even gotten through the homework, (thank god for Google).

I made sure I payed attention this time, even though my mind kept wandering to Cole and Rebecca, but I somehow mananged. After class I bolted out so that nobody could stop and talk to me. I definitely didn't need Mrs. Harris to make us another counseling appointment. I headed to my locker and dropped off my books. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I froze. Oh god please don't be who I think it is. I slowly turned around to face him. Of course it was him!

"Hey..." Cole said, standing awfully close to me.

"Hi." I said, glaring him down.

"Listen, I know you saw us last night..." He began, paying close attention to see my reaction. I stood emotionless, but my heart was pounding inside.

"Yes, nothing like seeing a half naked make out session from my bedroom window." I gave a fake smile. "I slept awfully well with that image in my mind, thank you."

Cole couldn't help but lift the corner of his mouth into a smirk. Of course he's amused by this. He quickly bolted his eyes around the half empty hallway, and turned back to me leaning in. "The whole time I was thinking about you..." he whispered, his lips brushing against my ear, which sent a shiver down my back. Cole chuckled his warm breath onto me, which definitely didn't help the situation.

I snapped myself back to reality. "That's pathetic." I spat.

"Oh, but it's true." He smirked, coming back to face me. So he kisses another girl while thinking of me? Hello!?! I'm right here, waiting for him.

"Then kiss me." I blurted out. My eyes popped out of my sockets and I mentally slapped myself to death. All I wanted to do was run away, but Cole was way too close to me, there was no escape.

A smug smile slowly crept onto his face, ugh. "You don't know how much I want to..." he said, his eyes trailing to my lips.

Why is he playing me like this? "Then why not?" I demmanded, frusterated. Just give it up Amy.

He didn't respond. He just looked nervous. The bell rang and it was time for my next class. Everyone scattered and went to class but me and Cole just kept staring at each other. It was weird. The hallway was soon empty and we were still there.

I decided to break the silence. I needed to get to class. "Cole. I...have to go to class." I said, even though I didn't really want to leave. I left before he could respond.


At lunch everyone at my table was going on about how they were so excited for performances. I smiled and nodded, slowly eating my food.

"We are going to do great!" Lily exclaimed cheerfully.

"My whole family is coming, we better be great." Joshua said smiling at Lily. They way he looked at her was like love at first sight. It was really sweet, but sometimes it made me want to puke.

They practically ignored me the whole time, only talking to the rest of the group; probably because I'm not even performing. I got up with my tray and walked to the garbage. They didn't even notice me leave.

I threw my leftover food away and sat my tray to the side. Another boy came up and did the same. I turned to head back to my table when he stopped me.

"Hey." He said from behind me.

Confused, I turned around. "Hi.." I said shyly. He had brown styled hair, brown eyes, and was fairly tall. His jaw line was incredible, and when he smiled he had the cutest dimples. Woah.

"I'm Dylan." He smiled with a sparkle in his eye.

"I'm..Amy.." Oh sweet baby Jesus.

He caught me staring and chuckled. I tore my eyes from him and looked down at my hands embarrassed.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go Prom with me..." He asked, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

This beautiful boy wants to go to prom Say yes Amy. Wait! You can't. Dalton will kill you. You already turned down Dana. No. "Oh, I'd love to...but I've already decided I'm not going." I said looking up to him, to his golden brown eyes...

He smiled, "That's alright. I guess I'll just have to spend Prom at your house." He winked. Oh my god. Did he just suggest skipping prom with me? He would do that for me?

"Excuse me." came a harsh voice. I snapped out of my daze and looked to see no other than Cole. He glared at Dylan, and squeezed between us and threw his stuff in the garbage and sat his tray aside. He made sure to take a long time doing it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" Cole asked giving a fake smile, trailing his eyes back and forth from me to Dylan.

Dylan chuckled and rolled his eyes. "No, I was just leaving." He said to Cole. He turned to me, "Catch you later" he winked and walked away, leaving me there melting over him.

"Did I miss something?" Cole asked me disapprovingly.

"It's none of your business Cole. Go resume eating Rebecca." I said coldly, giving him the death stare.

Cole rolled his eyes. "Just don't talk to him again." He said, returning the death stare.

"Are you kidding me? Don't tell me what to do." I spat.

"I better not see you with him, dammit." He said coldly before walking away.

Dylan actually made me forget about Cole for a little while...damn.


School ended and the cast of Grease was backstage scrambling and getting ready. I sat in the corner of the girls dressing room on my phone, waiting for the day to end.

The girls were helping each other put their makeup on and doing each other's hair. It made me jealous of them. I was usually the one doing what they were doing. I was usually the one with the pre show jitters, with the stage make up on and curled hair. I should be the one getting nervous thinking I would forget my lines or miss a cue, but no. I was stuck back in the dressing room because I was too good yet too bad to even get a part, but an understudy.

Rebecca and Cole weren't there yet; they were probably squeezing in a make out session. The show wasn't for another 45 minutes, but the house would be opening in 15. Mr. Bark started to get nervous and ordered anyone who had Cole and Rebecca's number to call them.

After several attempts, someone finally got ahold of Cole, and he said he was on his way.

Cole bolted into the girls dressing room, which was connected to the boy's dressing room. He headed straight to the back and went inside his small dressing room. After 10 minutes he came out in full costume and makeup.

All the girls were dressed already so they didn't mind. I don't even think they would've minded if he walked in even if they weren't dressed...

Mr Bark knocked outside the girls dressing room. Once he knew it was safe to look he came in.

"Cole. Where'e Rebecca?" Mr. Bark asked concerned

"...I have no clue. She isn't here already?" Cole asked suspiciously. Something didn't seem believable...

"No, I thought she was with you! The house opened and we start in less than 10 minutes!" Mr. Bark exclaimed. He scratched his head nervously, and I noticed his hand was shaking.

"You!" He turned to me. "Get on some makeup and put on Sandy's costume. Olivia, help her!"

Before I had anytime to process, a stage mom came up to me and practically ripped all my clothes off until I was in my bra and underwear.

My eyes bolted to Cole when I realized he was still there, and he was staring right at me, smirking. Olivia, the stage mom, then slipped a small dress on me, which was Sandy's first costume. She slid a chair over and pushed me down into it.

Next thing I know she's slapping makeup on me. I stared at myself in the mirror and saw my transition. Wait, wait, wait. I'm going to be Sandy?!?!?! Reality finally caught up to me. Oh my god what if I forget my lines?! I've never done a full run through without stopping. I'm not prepared for this! I started hyperventilating in my chair, and Olivia tried calming me down, but it wasn't working. 

Mr. Bark rushed in. "PLACES!" he called, and quickly left. Everyone scattered around with whispers and quiet cheers, leaving me, Cole, and Olivia. Olivia quickly powered my face and and lifted me up. My face showed horror all over. Oliva patted me on the back and rushed out of the room. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Where's Rebecca?! I can't go on!! What the hell do I do?! I walked back and forth across the room shaking and screaming inside. I scrambled up to Cole and shook him back and forth.

"I can't do this! I am not prepared and I am just going to mess up everything and ruin the whole show and embarras myself and I'm going to live my life remembering this and I'll be a dissapointment and I won't be on broadway and my parents will be angry-" 

Cole took my waist pulling me in and kissed me. My eyes widened and I started to feel dizzy, but I kissed back. He pulled away and stared into my eyes. "You'll do great." he smiled. He ushered me out and I got into my place. I heard the murmurs of the audience and soon the lights dimmed the auditorium. The music started playing and I looked across the stage and saw Cole in his place. He nodded at me. 

Show time. 

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