Chapter Thirty Five: Together

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This is dedicated to alphabravo913adams

Thanks for giving me a smile and a reason to keep writing.

Mason's heart beat against her chest, like a drum during a tribal event. Her breathing became labored over time. She knew what this was. She was having an attack, just like the CDC.

But Daryl wasn't there to help her.

"So Mason, what a little girl like you doin' out here?" Negan asked with a sickly grin.

"So Mason, what a little girl like you doin' out here?" Negan asked with a sickly grin

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"Shouldn't you be with your group? I mean your Daddy must be really worried about you." Mason held tight to Ika, and her fingers started to hurt from all the tugging.

"W-w-we lost our group." Mason stuttered. "Just me and Daddy."

"Aww, well." Negan said, and crouched down to Mason's level. "How bout you and me go look for them huh?"

"D-D-Daddy...says they're d-d-dead." Mason lied, trying to stop the bad man. His breath reeked of ash and vulgar smells. Mason feel the acid burn in her throat. 

"That's too bad now." Negan cooed. His rough fingers brushed back some of her hair out of her face. "Looks like it just you and me now, little Rabbit."

The nickname made Mason start to cry. She was so scared. She looked behind the man and screamed.

A few walkers head their way, and more followed. Negan to his bat and swung at the walkers, their flesh flying off. Mason took this opportunity to run.

Run and never look back.

Her little feet moved fast. She could hear the whistling echoing in the dark forest. The moon began to shine, and the fear built up. Mason couldn't breathe anymore. It hurt. She knew she couldn't stay on the ground, so she climbed the nearest tree and rested her head against it.

She past out after a lack of oxygen, and her body waited for the warm sunlight to return.


Mason's eyes fluttered as she looked around her surrounding area. There were no walkers in sight, and she did not see Negan either. Mason rubbed her eyes and climbed down the tree. Once she got down, she looked down at the ground to see if her prints wee still there.

She wasn't that lucky.

Mason held out Ika and looked at her dirty white face.

"Ika, I wanna go home." She sniffled. "I'm scared."

As if it couldn't get worse, the whistling was back. Mason start to breath heavy again and who knew how much more her tiny heart could take. She held Ika close and began to run again. Bu she wasn't quiet this time, she was sobbing loudly. She was so scared.

Daryl was about to lose it. It was Sophia all over again, and this time it really was his fault. He heard shuffling, and he quickly darted behind a tree. He saw a walker coming his way. He lifted his bow, and aimed. He shot he bastard down, then quickly looked if the asshole had eaten anything fresh.

The walker was all skin and bones, and look like it had not fed in months. 

Daryl growled in defeat till her heard a noise.

Daryl quickly stood up with his guard still there

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Daryl quickly stood up with his guard still there. The sounds were feet running, and crying. But he knew those cries.


Daryl went into a full on run. He ran as the noise got closer and closer. Then he saw a glimpse of messy brown hair and a purple backpack. Daryl ran int front of her and dropped to his knees It took Mason a minute to see, but once she saw, she ran right into his arms. She was having a panic attack, and Daryl stroked her hair and shushed her to calm her down.

The feeling of her in his arms once again, made him relax. He worried about her, and kept his distance in fear. But now, all he wants to do is hold her.

"B-B-Bad man." Mason stuttered out while in tears. Daryl looked at her confused and she pointed the way she came. "Bad man!"

Daryl suddenly knew what she ment and began to take off. He knew his way back, he just hoped the group waited there for them. 

After an hour of running, They saw the highway, and the group. Daryl put Mason down and put his hands on her shoulders gently. 

"Mason, why were ya in the woods?" He asked her. She took off the backpack and pulled out a bloody white rabbit out. She handed it to him.

"So you wouldn't be mad no more." She told him, slightly embarrassed. Daryl took the rabbit from her and looked at it shocked.

"Ya caught this?" She nodded, and Daryl smiled. "That's my gurl."

Mason looked up surprised. She thought Daryl hated her. Suddenly Daryl hugged Mason tight, and Mason did the same. He stroked her hair as he held her close.

"Ya really important to me Mase, no matter what. I will be here. I love ya baby gurl." Daryl said softly in her ear, making himself tear up. "I got so scared when ya disappeared. I'm sorry ya went out and almost got hurt, just cause ya wanted to get me somethin'. From now on, we stick together, alright?"

"Promise?" She whispered in his ear, making him grin like an idiot.

"Promise." He whispered back. He pulled her away and looked into her beautiful Georgia blues. "Now, ya don't tell nobody about me bein' soft, ya hear?"

"Yes Daddy." She giggled. Mason took his hand and they walked back to the group.


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