Chapter 1

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Justin's Pov

"Justin? You ready?" Scooter calls out to me from downstairs.

"Yup!" I call back out to him. I make my way down the stairs and we both head out to the car.

I was ready to go and celebrate the best names in the music industry today. I know I am already very well recognized, but I can't wait until I am the one being awarded with the one award that will confirm to me that I have made it in this industry. Having a grammy is one of my life goals and I hope that in years to come it can be a reality.

After finally getting out of the massive traffic jam these award shows create, I arrived at the Grammys. I was greeted by many people as I walked down the red carpet. The flashing lights and screams of the paparazzi calling out to me have become pretty normal to me now.

As I was walking the red carpet, I saw one of the most beautiful girls I had ever laid my eyes on.


As she walked to a small tent within the red carpet, she turned back and I saw tears running down her face. An unexplainable feeling of worry filled my body. It was almost as if it was an instinct to go and check on her.

I immediately walk away from all the photographers and try to act as calm as possible as I make my way to the tent. I am able to catch up to her,"Ariana, is everything alright?" I asked, gently placing my hand on her back.

She turned to face away from me, obviously not wanting me to see her like this.

"I'm fine." She barely got out.

As she let out the biggest lie through her tears, I gently grabbed her arm for her to face me.

"Ariana, you don't have to lie to me. I know we don't know each other that well, but if you need someone to talk to I'm here." Trusting in me, she wrapped her arms around me and just cried. I comforted her the best I could.

After our long and hopefully for Ariana, comforting hug, we sat down on a small couch the tent had as she explained to me what caused her to break down like this. Her and her boyfriend- well ex as of today had just broken up, because like most of us have always suspected, he never loved her. That egotistical scum never did anything but use her. It breaks my heart to see her like this, but it is for the best that she finally saw the real him.

"Ariana, I am so sorry this had to happen to you, especially on this day that is so important to all of us. But I just want you to know that everything happens for a reason. That Ricky guy was never worthy of you. You deserve the absolute best, and I promise you that the man for you is out there somewhere. He'll just come when the time is right." I try to give her the best advice that came from my heart regarding her situation.

I saw her beautiful smile faintly appear on her face which made me feel a little bit better about what I just said.

"Thank you Justin, I don't know what I would've done in this moment if you hadn't come and told me this," We both smile at each other, "thank you."

I just shrugged my shoulders as a no problem and gave her a sincere smile.

And with that she put her perfect lips on my cheek and stood up, looking through the curtain of the small tent, she was staring at all the celebrities striking poses on the red carpet and instantly became nervous.

"I don't think I can walk the carpet this year." She looks back at me with clear fear in her eyes.

I got up and stood in front of her."Ariana, just trust yourself, I know you'll be amazing."

She looked at me in doubt,"I don't think so, considering I feel like such a mess right now." She nervously rubs the side of her arm and begins to slim out her hair with her fingers.

"Justin, they're waiting for you out there." Scooter comes in and acknowledges Ariana.

"Oh Ariana, hi, how are you doing." This is a bit awkward, considering she fired him as her manager a few months back.

"I'm doing good, Scooter." She gives a fake smile as they go to hug each other.

I can hear the hurt in her voice. Ariana must feel so alone, I hate to see such a strong woman so sad. It's understandable that she doesn't want to walk the carpet, considering she would feel even more isolated.

I suddenly get a great idea.

"Ariana," She turns around from talking to Scooter,"walk the carpet with me."

Her and Scooter both give me a look of confusion, but then Ariana smiles.

"Are you sure?" She asks with a little hesitant look in her eye.

"Of course." I assure her.

She looks up at me with sincere, grateful eyes,"Ok I will." She smiles.

Ariana then calls her makeup artist to come out of her car to come and fix up her makeup she sadly messed up from her crying.

After she is all ready to go and looking as beautiful as ever, she links her arm with mine. Scooter just stands there giving me a look of approval toward my act of kindness.

We walk out and everyone turns to look at us with a look of shock but excitement.

We both just smile at each other and enjoy this moment.

Little did I know this was only the beginning of our incredible journey together.

I hope you guys enjoyed chapter 1!
I'm excited that I finally started writing this. If you enjoyed, please vote and comment 🤗

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