Chapter 10

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Justin's Pov

"Jay, you could've worn something less laid back, since we're going to an award show." Ariana tells me as we were in the limo heading to the American Music Awards.

"Come on Ari, you know I don't like award shows." I tell her trying to explain the reason behind my outfit.

"Justin you know I don't like them either, because I get nervous but I suck it up for my fans. Let's just get through this together." She says as she puts her tiny hand on mine.

I smile at her and admire how beautiful she looks.

She has her hair in a high bun and her dress is spectacular.

I guess I'll suck it up for Ariana and for my beliebers.

We arrive and Ariana walks out of the car, but comes right back to grab my hand and drags me out to the carpet with her.

We take our individual photos then enter the arena. We take our seats as the award show starts. They seated Scooter in between me and Ariana, but I just switched spots with him because he didn't mind; he knew Ariana and I would be talking and laughing together with him in the middle like he wasn't even there anyways.

The award show begins as the host comes out and the whole arena begins to cheer. We watch through some performances and as celebrities were receiving awards. I actually went up to receive one myself for 'Where are you now' with Skrillex and Diplo.

A little while after that, when the show heads to commercial, we make our way backstage to get ready for me and Ariana's performance together.

As I was touching myself up in the mirror, I look over across from my dressing room to see Ariana mentally freaking out.

I laugh and walk over to her dressing room.

"Hey," I say as Ariana looks up at me and I step into the room,"you're gonna do amazing. There's nothing to be nervous about." I smile at her.

She gives me her cute little grin,"Thanks Justin, I'll try not to freak out until we go on," We both laugh.

As they call our names, the crowd immediately starts screaming like crazy.

They scream even louder as all the lights dim.

Ariana and I both walk onto the dark stage and stand in front of our microphones as the music starts playing.

What do you mean? Oh, oh, when you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no, what do you mean?

I sing out into the mic as I stare at Ariana smiling up at me.

Hey-ey, when you don't want me to move, but you tell me to go, what do you mean?

I make a confused face that went with the lyrics while my full attention was still on Ariana.

Oh, what do you mean?

Ariana joins in with her big, beautiful voice.

Said you're running out of time, what do you mean?

We sing together.

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