Chapter 30

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Ariana's Pov

"It's good to be home." I exclaim walking into my house with my mom and Nonna for the first time in two months. My dogs follow behind them, and walk into the house like they own it, which is the cutest thing.

I've been touring for about two months now, and it's been absolutely amazing. I love touring; I really needed to spend that time with my fans.

But no matter how much I've wanted it to take my mind off Justin, I just had to write my entire album about him. Also, I know that even if I wouldn't be singing songs that were all about him, my thoughts would always lead back to him somehow. But there is probably a ton of videos of me crying while performing on tour. But that's okay I mean, I'm human. And I need to cry to let out all of emotions instead of keeping them bottled in. I know my fans know that, too.

I just wish the tears could make the pain go away. The pain of not having him here with me.

"Are you okay, honey?" My mom asks me, wrapping her arms around me.

I turn around, and smile,"Yes, mommy." I don't want to worry her.

I go upstairs to my room to get some rest. I open the door and walk towards my dresser to get something to change into that is more comfortable than my current outfit.

I open the drawer to find one of Justin's big t-shirts. I smile as I pick out one of them. I take in the smell of his cologne that is still perfectly on the shirt.

I then take off my leggings and sweatshirt to throw on his big shirt.

I make my way to my bed to get comfortable under my big velvet comforter and fuzzy blanket.

I've gone two months without sleeping with Justin or without him putting me to sleep, and leaving shortly after to his house, so I'm kind of gotten use to it. But that doesn't mean that I don't miss it.

I miss him so much it hurts. My heart still has this hole in it that I know can only be filled with feeling his touch again. With being able to wrap my arms around his waist and feel so safe as he wraps his arms around me and I am able to rest my head on his chest. That is one of the things that I miss the most about him.

But who knows, he might've already forgotten about me.

I soon try to stop thinking about him and fall into a deep sleep.

Justin's Pov

I knock on the door to Ariana's house. I needed to see her. I found out that she was coming back home today through some twitter fan accounts that I follow. I know that's pretty pathetic. But I also have been messaging Frankie about her coming home again, so that makes it a little bit less pathetic I guess.

Right away, by the sound of her dogs barking, I knew she was here. Because when she wasn't here, I would just sit on her doorstep and lose myself in my own thoughts. And I wouldn't hear her dogs, because they obviously go with her on tour. So I would just sit here in silence and let my thoughts wander.

The door opens, revealing Joan with a confused face.

"Justin, why are you here?" She whispers. I'm confused on why she's whispering. But I couldn't care less right now. All I care about is her.

"I need to see her."

She gives me a slightly sympathetic look, but shakes her head.

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