Chapter 28

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*7 months later*

Justin's Pov

I wake up to my blaring alarm and Jaxon yelling in my face.

"Justin, you have to get up!" I shoot my eyes open as I see Jaxon on top of me.

I look over at my phone and my eyes widen.

It was the day.

It was Grammys day. I don't think I've ever been more nervous for something in my life.

I instantly get up to see that my hair stylist is already here.

I head downstairs for a quick breakfast as my phone rings. The caller id read Moonlight. I smiled to myself and answered the call from my princess.

"Hello, my love." I answer the phone.

"Baby! It's the big day!" She exclaims through the phone. I laugh at her excitement.

"Daniel just finished doing my makeup now I'm getting my hair done." I decide to not tell her that I just woke up.

"Great, baby. I'll be there in a about an hour." I quickly hang up the phone to go get ready.

"Jaxon, you ready?" I call out to my little brother after as I was dressed and ready to go. I wanted him to come with me and Ariana just so he could act as our symbol of peace in the middle of all this stress and craziness.

I grab my phone and wallet as I head out the door with Jaxon.

"To Ariana's house please, Angelo." We drove off from my house directly to Ariana's.

Jaxon and I walk down the driveway, around the enormous palm trees outside her house, heading for the front door.

"Are you excited, buddy?" I ask Jaxon, enthusiastically.

"Well, I'm kinda nervous for the pictures, but I'm excited to see you win a Grammy." He smiles and I smile back. Ariana and I were both up for Album of the year.

Obviously, I wanted her to win. She deserves it, but her being her, wants me to win. But I guess we'll just have to see what happens. Also, I was nominated for Song of the year. And Ariana and I are also both nominated for Best pop vocal album. I really hope everything goes in our favor this year.

"Well, I hope so." I tell Jaxon as we arrive at Ariana's door. Being her boyfriend of one year, I grab inside my pocket for the copy of her house keys and open the door for us both to walk right in.

"Ariana, are you ready?" I shout out through the house. We are greeted by Ariana's loving dogs as we sit down on her white leather couch.

"Almost!" She shouts back in her cute voice.

"Okay, let's go!" Ariana exclaims once she's walking down the stairs and Jaxon and I both stand up and turn around to look towards the stairs where she was descending from.

"Wow." Jaxon and I say in unison as Ariana giggles.

She walks over to give Jaxon a hug and a small kiss on the cheek.

"You look very handsome, Jaxon." Ariana smiles.

"Well, thank you. You look very pretty." He giggled.

"Hey, watch it man. She's mine." I say playfully and they both laugh.

"Well, you look very handsome, too." Ariana says, adjusting my tuxedo.

"You look beautiful, babe." I tell her, admiring her appearance. She was wearing an amazing, long, red dress that hugged her perfect curves just right.

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