Chapter 8

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Justin's Pov

I wake up to about a dozen text messages from Scooter and Ariana.

I curse under my breath, realizing that I overslept.

I get up from my king sized bed and do my morning routine in the bathroom then quickly get dressed. I head out quickly to the shoot we have for the cover art of our song.

I arrive at the shoot and walk through the back door. I have to say that I'm kind of nervous to see Ariana.

Yesterday was amazing and so much fun. Up until I realized how I actually really felt about Ariana. I just don't want anything to ruin the great friendship we've made over these past few months and this can definitely ruin it.

"Hey Jay." Ariana frightens me but I try not to make it obvious.

"Hey." I say, trying to sound as casual as possible but fail considering what she says next.

"What's wrong?" She furrowed her eyebrows at me and playfully pokes me making me slightly jump.

"Nothing." I hide my hands behind my back, because I could feel them shaking. I put a grin on my face, trying to act as normal as possible.

I can't believe I never noticed the butterflies I get when I'm with her, because I'm definitely feeling them right now.

And Ariana looking as beautiful as ever wasn't helping. She was wearing a very tiny crop top with a matching high skirt. It was obviously for the photoshoot but she looked amazing. I couldn't help but stare.

I think she caught me checking her out as she turned back to look at me with a weird look on her face. I just walk away from her as casually as I could with the excuse that I had to go change. Which wasn't really an excuse because I did need to go change into whatever they were going to have me wear for the cover art.

I wave to Scooter and the rest of the Bieber crew and head to my dressing room.

I really have to find a way to control my feelings for Ariana. I'm pretty sure I can do it. I mean I've been able to the whole time we've been friends, and I'm not going to ruin our friendship because of something I'm sure I can overcome.


I finished getting dressed as I get a knock on my door.

I turn and the door opens to reveal Scooter.

I smile at him,"You ready now? We're kinda running late." He says shaking his head.

"Yeah Scoot, I'm ready." I laugh and apologize for my tardiness.

I walk out to see Ariana smiling at me and signaling me to go stand with her.

We take some shots and then Ariana and I go over to the camera to see which one is our favorite.

We pick a pretty good one and decide to go back to just take some silly pictures. I had a flannel on top of my white shirt but I just took the flannel off as we began to take the pictures.

Once we were done with the photoshoot, Ariana, the rest of both of our crews mixed together, and I went to go eat lunch.

It was nice getting to spend time with everyone.

Especially Ariana's mom, because anything she does, Ariana and I burst out into laughter.

I watched Ariana as she was taking a video of her mom and when I saw that she was done filming and had posted it, I took her phone to take a selfie to also post it on her story.

"Wow, you're so pretty." Ariana laughs looking at my picture.

I give her a cocky face expression,"I know." I smirk.

She replies back with one of her beautiful smiles while rolling her eyes and hitting my arm gently. I swear I melt a little inside.

I don't understand how my feelings grew so quickly. I mean I don't think they grew quickly. I just think that it took me quite a while to realize them. But either way it doesn't matter.

Ariana would never be able to like me back.

Especially with just getting out of such a horrible relationship. And I understand her because it is hard to move on from that. She's the only girl I've liked since Selena, but it just feels different with Ariana. It feels better, because the relationship I had with Selena was so toxic; I'm so glad I'm out of that horrible stage of my life.

It's crazy because I never thought I could fall for anyone else. But who wouldn't fall for Ariana? She's beautiful with an amazing heart. She's funny, caring, humble and is always there for the people she loves most no matter what. I could go on about how perfect she is. She's everything any guy could ask for.

But I just don't know if I could give Ariana everything that she needs to make her happy.

I don't want to hurt her, I care about her too much.

I'm just going to have to hide my feelings.

I just pray that I can.

Hope you guys enjoyed chapter 8! I'm sorry that this chapter is shorter compared to the other chapters. I'll try to make it up with the next chapter.

Their single will be out in the next chapter😏

If you guys enjoyed please vote and please try to comment throughout the chapter with any thoughts that come to mind while you're reading😊thank youuuu 😘

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