Chapter 14

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Justin's Pov

"Please welcome, Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande." The audience cheered loudly as Ariana and I walked out and waved to them.

We both greeted Ellen by hugs and went to take our seats.

Ariana and I looked at each other, because we both saw that there was only one seat. I looked at her giving her a sign to take the seat, but Ariana, being the sweet person she is, wanted me to take it.

Soon enough, she takes the seat and I sit down on the arm of the chair.

"Well aren't you a gentleman, Justin." Ellen jokes with me.

I give her a smile and say,"I like to think of myself as one, so yes." We all laugh.

"So can you guys tell us anything about your single 'What do you mean', out now by the way." Ellen says in her big strong voice, holding up the cover art.

"Well I mean, Justin and I have been wanting to work with each other for a while now. It was an amazing process, I loved every second of it. And I also loved how it didn't feel like working at all, it was like creating this beautiful project from scratch and bringing it to life for the whole world to finally see." Ariana smiles as she says that, talking with her hands as she always does when she explains herself.

"Wow, that's amazing. I love this song, by the way. And I feel like no matter who anyone is or more so what kind of music taste they enjoy, they will love this song. And they will probably love it even more because it has the both of you. That's actually why I want to know why it did take you guys so long to finally give everyone what they've been wanting for years? Considering that everyone loves you guys together." Ellen asks eagerly for a response.

"Well, that was kind of a fail on our part," I look at Ariana and we start laughing,"we knew our fans wanted it and we apologize for not giving it to you all sooner. We're really sorry." I say truthfully, waving my hand out to the audience.

"Yeah, you should be sorry." Ellen says seriously, but we all know she's joking.

"But hey, at least we gave it to you guys now." Ariana smiles nervously and shrugs.

The whole rest of the interview is very fun, cheerful, and hilarious.

"So now on to you guys," Ellen says looking at us and smiling,"so are you guys officially dating now, because we've all seen the pictures you guys post on Instagram, and how you guys reply to each other on Twitter. I mean you guys are with each other all the time and Ariana is with you on tour, isn't she Justin?" She asked us and we burst out laughing, looking at the screen where she was displaying all of our recents pictures together.

Ellen looks at the audience dramatically and says,"They laughed, it's official."

"No!" Ariana and I both wave our hands.

"We're not dating." Ariana giggles.

"We're just friends, promise. Just because we enjoy each other's company and we happen to be of the opposite gender doesn't mean we're dating." I tell her.

"We'll see about that." Ellen says causing Ariana, me and the whole rest of the audience to laugh for the thousandth time.

"Ariana Grande's and Justin Bieber's single 'What do you mean' is out now. You're all going home with a copy." Ellen says at the end of our interview and the audience cheers one last time.

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