Chapter 1 First day and Pranking with the twins

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It's my first day at Hogwarts and I'm actually pretty excited, I mean, cute guys and new friends I know for one that I think all of us girls are gonna be the bestest of friends!

"Hey, Mary wake up." I said shaking her to wake her up, "Go away." Mary said I just rolled my eyes at her.

"It's the first day, you don't want to be late?" I asked and she quickly got up and went into the bathroom, while Angelina was in there, Mary quickly came out and closed the door.

"Sorry, Angelina." She said and walked over to her bed and looked inside her bag.

I sat on my bed and just then I felt a warm fluffy feeling by my arm, I looked down to see Rosaleen curled up by my arm, she looked pretty happy, I didn't really want to leave her alone by herself here, but I have to.

"Mary, you can use the bathroom now." Angelina said and walked out, towel around her and over her head while Mary ran into the bathroom. "Man, that girl really had to go." Francesca said and we all laughed.

"Hey, what classes do you guys have first?" I asked all three girls

"Defence against the dark arts." Francesca said

"Charms." Angelina said

"Potions!" Mary shouted from the bathroom

"Well, I'm going to care of magical creatures." I said as I put my robe on, I had my clothes on way before, like when I woke up I put my clothes on and did my hair and brushed my teeth, so after that all us girls ran out of the girls dorm and ran into some other people.

"Sorry, look out!" I said laughing with the girls and running, before I knew it I ran into a ginger haired guy.

"Sorry." I said rubbing my head as he helped me up and I looked into his eyes, it was Fred, his eyes were an beautiful emerald green, I couldn't stop staring into them.

"Hey, Fred." I said blushing, I know I'm a vampire but I'm half, I can still blush

He also blushed but tried to hide it,

"Hey, you guys done?" Francesca asked and I looked at her and blushed a darker red

"Good, lets go get breakfast." Angelina said and we all walked down to get breakfast

When we got there of course Hermione was eating AND reading books at the table, Harry actually stood up and told her to put it away. I sat down on the bench and grabbed some toast and blueberry jam.

"Hey, do you always read books Hermione?" I asked taking a bite of my toast and she looked at me and shrugged.

"So, what classes do you guys have today?" George asked

"Potions." Hermione mumbled

"Charms." Harry said laying back in his chair

"Defence against the dark arts." Ron said with a mouth full of fruit

"Sounds like fun." I said and watched everyone eating, Ginny came in and sat by Harry.

"Hey, Gin." Fred and George both said while Ginny waved and ate some fruit, I could tell that she was still pretty tired.

"Hey, I'll see you guys later, I gotta go to class." I said finishing my toast and got up from where I was sitting, Fred and George also got up, I'm guessing they went to the same class as me too.

"You guys are going to care of magical creatures too?" I asked looking at them

"Yup." George said I looked at Fred and he nodded and we all went to care of magical creatures.

"Y'er early." Hagrid said and continued to pet a big griffin, "Yeah, whats his name?" I asked smiling at the big creature.

"This, is Buckbeak." Hagrid said as other kids showed to class and Hagrid started class

"Now, today we are learning about the creatures." Hagrid said and everyone looked around, there was an octopus that waved a tentacle and some other animals that roamed around.

"This is Buckbeak, we will be learning more about him later." Hagrid said and started to talk about different animals,

"Do you think that Buckbeak will kill someone?" Some guy whispered behind me to someone else, probably a friend, I wanted to turn around and clock him in the nose but I didn't.

"Did you just here what those guys said?" Fred whispered to me and I nodded and looked back

The guy had brown hair and was pretty cute, but then again he was in Slytherin, he looked at me and sneered which I gave him a look that said 'Don't mess with me or I will break something in your body.' He backed off I turned around pretty please with what I just did.

"So, now y'er know what kind of creatures there are here." Hagrid said finishing a sentence that I wasn't listening to but quickly tuned in to the last part, so that was good... I guess.

"That was a good lesson." One of the girls said, she had a bunch of books with her.

"So, what did I miss?" I asked looking at Fred for support

"Well, talking about what would happen if you got lost in the forest." Fred said and the same guy that was talking about Buckbeak came up to me.

"Did your mom ever tell you to keep out of peoples conversations?" He asked as his friends agreed.

"Has your mom ever told you to keep your damn mouth shut!" I said and he backed off but not before glaring and walking away with his friends behind him.

"Don't worry Gabrielle, we will get him back." George said glaring in the guys direction, "How?" I asked intrigued.

"Come with us." Fred said and we walked into the castle and followed the guys, I could hear Fred mumbling but I couldn't make out what he was saying

"What?" I asked and he just looked at me and said "Nothing"

"This way." George said and we followed him, I didn't know what we were doing but it was gonna be a lot of fun!

We came to a little dark room and sat down in a small circle,

"OK, here's the plan." George said and told us the plan, which I laughed as a result.

"Ok, so we know whats happening?" George said and I and Fred both nodded and we walked out of the room and went to our classes.

I had at least three classes with Fred and two with Mary and George, who I'm guessing Mary likes George but George dosn't seem to know when it was the end of the day I went to my dorm and when I got into the room Rosaleen was laying on the bed curled up in a ball so I pet her and she purred, I didn't get into my pj's when all the other girls were in the room.

I later met up with George and Fred in the lttle dark room and our plan was all set, all we had to do was find out how to stay hidden from filch, it wasn't going to be easy though we had to slip out of the room without being seen and go to the boys dorm but, how were they gonna get me in?

"Don't worry, Fred and I have gotten girls into the boys dorm before." George said and Fred chuckled a little and I just rolled my eyes at them and we surprisingly got into the dorm without them finding out that they were bringing me.

We had gotten to the Slytherins boys dorm and was now in the dorm where that guys and his friends were sleeping Fred put a little drop of the potion he had on the guys skin and I put some other potion on another guys skin and George put another potion on the other guys skin, we walked back to the Gryffindor dorm and I quickly got back to the girls dorm without anyone seeing me.

Tonight was the best night ever!

*That's the end of chapter 2, hope you all liked it, so what do you think will happen to the guys? What kind of potion did Gabrielle,Fred and George put on them all? Find out in chapter 3, on Friday!

xoxox love you guys!*

This sucks! (Fred Weasley love story) ((Being completely rewritten))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora