Chapter 5 It's now or never!

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*Fred's POV*

I got up as Vanessa or Gabrielle, I think I will call her Vanessa, yeah, I like Vanessa it fits. This was it I was going to ask out the girl of my dreams, so I jumped in front of her before she could open the door and blushed, how was I going to do this? 'Hey Vanessa, wanna go out?' 'Hey, Nessa want to go out!?' non of those sounded cool!

I was blushing and my heart was pounding, I rubbed the back of my head and opened my mouth,

"Hey would you like-" I couldn't finish my sentence because she had opened her mouth and shouted.

"Yes!" She practically screamed and I backed up, my eyes widened, she never screamed like that before! She opened her eyes and backed up then looked at the floor and back up to me, now blushing, she was so cute when she blushed!

"As I was saying, would you like me to carry your books?" I'm so stupid! "Can I carry your books?" I was suppose to say "Would you like to go out?' What happened?

My Nessa looked down at the floor and blushed even more, but looking sad? She gave a weak smile and nodded, I picked up her History of Magic books and moved out of the way so she could walk out the door, we didn't really talk to each other the whole way, but I did mentally punish myself.

"We walked into the Great Hall and George ran up to me and he smiled and opened his mouth, which was full of food, cue the eye roll from me.

"So, did you ask her out?" He asked and I looked down and George sighed.

"You really gotta get the courage to, man." George said and I nodded while looking at the ground and walking slowly with him at my side to our table, I looked up at Vanessa and saw her drink the cup of pumpkin juice she had and putting it down to laugh, she was so cute!

"Hey, what are you guys laughing about?" George asked and sat down beside her, I sat on the other side as she looked at me then back at her group of friends, 'Maybe I really messed it up.' I thought and looked down at the table which I got a few looks from everyone sitting at that table, I didn't really want to be here, I didn't want anyone staring at me, I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts.

I picked up a sandwich from my table and thought about the fantastic food fight we once had, it was amazing, food being thrown everywhere, teachers scrambled to get out and some even started to join in! I wish Vanessa was here to see that, she would have loved it.

I didn't really notice it but I was smiling, and ate my sandwich, I didn't realize that either that I was hungry until now..

"Hey, twin why're you so quiet?" George asked and I glared at him not wanting to talk at that point and he just backed away and went back to eating his food while chatting with his friends.

I got up from where I was sitting, so did everyone else and we all walked out of the Great Hall, I turned my head and looked at the window, and paused, 'It's snowing?'  I asked myself and went up to the window, it was snowing!

"Hey, guys it's snowing!" I said and everyone crowded out against the window, I loved how the snow just came down, it was such a beautiful scene, and the castle made it look even better!

"It's so beautiful, I have never seen snow before." Vanessa said, myself and my twin both looked at her, she never saw snow before?

"I mean, I never look outside or go outside, I never went outside, except for when I needed to." Vanessa said and looked down, I couldn't help but wonder how she culdn't of seen snow, she just had to look out the window.. that's if she actually had windows.

This sucks! (Fred Weasley love story) ((Being completely rewritten))Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu