Chapter 14 My heart sings

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The next morning I coudn't seem to get my mind off of what had happened yesterday, my lullaby opens the world, why did they choose my lullaby?

"You ok?" Mary asked and I nodded, I know that it was a bit of a lie but I didn't want her to be worried.

Mary then sighed and got up from her bed, she walked out of the room and down stairs, I wanted to go outside and talk to Sirius, I needed to ask questions or something, I just wanted to know what I should do and what I can do to help or what to expect so I jumped out of bed and got dressed, I put my hat on and grabbed my gloves and jacket.

"Where are you going?" Mary asked coming back into our room and getting out her bag from under her bed and getting some clothes out I just looked at her and sat up from my bed.

"I'm going outside, need fresh air." I said and she nodded as I walked out of the room and down the stairs, Fred looked at me when I came to the last step and started putting my boots on, he walked over and helped me up.

"Where are you off to?" He asked and I looked at him, he couldn't come, I had to talk to Sirius by myself, there might be something that I have to do

"Outside, just for a walk." I replied and he smiled

"Ok, I will come with you." He said and I stopped him from going up the stairs,

"I just want to go by myself, I will be back soon ok, sorry." I said and he nodded and sat back on the couch with everyone else, I opened the front door and walked out, I looked around and walked into the forest, well it wasn't really a forest more of just a field.. I guess.

When I was out of ear shot from the Burrow I called out hoping that Sirius would hear, I hope that he was around.

"Yes?" I heard from behind me and turned around, it was Sirius, he had heard me! I ran over and smiled

"I just wanted to know if there was anyway I could help out." I said and Sirius looked at the ground and back up at me with sadness in his eyes, "I'm afraid not, your a princess and need to be protected, your wanted to send another vampire so that you could talk or contact me or your parents, this is Meadow." Sirius said and I turned around and saw a female vampire standing behind me, her hair was flame red and her skin was white as snow, like mine.

"She will protect you." Sirius said and Meadow bowed, why did everyone have to bow? I know I'm a princess but couldn't they just give me a hand shake or high five or like a wave, something else, I hated that everyone had to always bow!

I then looked up at Sirius.

"She will be at Hogwarts, you don't have to bring her back to the burrow." He said and I smiled, at least no one will be suspicious and I walked out of the field and back to the burrow, I couldn't help thinking about that girl.. she looked so familiar.. but where have I seen her before?


I was going hunting with my mother and father, we hunted all by ourselves even though the kingdom wanted to hunt for us we were running after a deer when we saw a red light in the field and my mother and father ran to the field while I cuddled by a tree waiting for them.

"Come with me." I heard a little voice and turned my head to look at a little girl who held out her hand, I took it and we ran, we ran back to the kingdom

"What was that?" I asked and she stopped and looked at me for a second and frowned

"You will understand when your older, but now we have to get to the kingdom." She said and pulled my arm to the kingdom, what was happening?

This sucks! (Fred Weasley love story) ((Being completely rewritten))Where stories live. Discover now