Chapter 29 Hogwarts

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My stomach was starting to get bigger during the weeks and I couldn't keep my mind off of Hogwarts and my friends, I wondered if they knew I was pregnant or if I was going to have to change Fred.

I sat on the couch staring out the window holding onto my stomach, I couldn't stand staying here and not fighting Voldemort.. why did he even want to rule the vampire world anyway? We would just kill him by biting hm and putting a death venom into his blood and yes, we have different types of venom.

"I have to fight." I said still looking out the window, Fred looked at me with a sad expression

"Not in the condition your in.. I will go back and fight." He said already getting off the couch but I grabbed his arm.

"No, this is my battle and I am going to save Hogwarts." I said getting up from the couch and holding my stomach, I was going back to Hogwarts to fight weather he liked it or not.

"It's pouring rain, there will be no way I;m letting you back there with our child." He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Fine." I said, my smile was gone and in it's replace was a frown, he unwrapped his arms and I walked up stairs and into my room, I locked the door when I was in my room and walked to the window.

'He didn't say anything about sneaking out.' I told myself and giggled, I looked back at the door and then grabbed a bag, I was going to have to be ready for the fight and what would happen, I would have to be invisible so Pansy and Draco or the other Slytherins wouldn't see me, I grabbed a cloak and put it on and then grabbed my broom stick and opened the window, it was freezing and it was really pouring but I had to do this, once I was at Hogwarts it will be alright and the girls have a window so I could sneak in.

Rosaleen jumped from my bed the window sill and looked at me, I looked back at her and frowned, she hated the rain.

"I'm sorry.. you have to stay here." I told her and she bowed her head, I knew she understood and then jumped back on my bed, she watched as I jumped onto the window sill and looked down, it would be a long way if I fell, I sat on the broom and put my bag over my shoulder and then looked at Rosaleen.

"I have never drove this before so.. close the window when I fly out and hope I can make it to the trin station." I told her and she then bowed again, I smiled and got ready to jumped, I held my breath and jumped, I was flying high.. a vampire like me flying!

The rain was really pouring, I flew high into the air and flew to the train station, hopefully Fred wouldn't come looking for me, I didn't want to worry him but I had to go back to Hogwarts and fight for vampires, my parents and myself so we could all be in a safe world.

I couldn't really see and the rain was become colder and more heavy so my broom was kind of going down, I looked down to find the train station, it was farther up and so I flew faster until I finally got there.

"The trains should be moving." I told myself and hopped on, I sat in the one compartment and waited for the train to move, I was still a bit wet but I kept my head down and hoped that no one would come into the compartment and see me and report me back to Volemort, I looked out the window and the train started moving, the trees were more green and the sky was full of clouds but the sun was trying to peak out, it was pretty but the rain was just a bit in the way.

I was glad to be going back and more happy that I was the only one of the train to Hogwarts and no death eaters or anything else that might harm me was on, I reached into my bag and took out some animals blood and drank it, I was really hungry so I packed it even before so I wouldn't have to hunt while I'm pregnant and I knew that Fred wouldn't hunt for me so I just packed it, although the baby didn't really like the blood so I took out some cookies and started eating them.

This sucks! (Fred Weasley love story) ((Being completely rewritten))Where stories live. Discover now