Chapter 25 Mother knows and surprises

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I woke up the next morning and felt sick, really sick I felt like I had just had a huge meal and now I was stuffed.

I took the blanket off my body and swung my legs over the bed and got up but all I really wanted to do was stay in bed and sleep all day but I didn't want the Weasleys to think that there was something wrong with me.. there is nothing wrong with me!

"Vampires can't get sick, so why am I?" I asked myself in the mirror, I knew that the mirror wouldn't reply but it's ok to talk to yourself in the mirror.. right?

I walked back into my bedroom and put on a tee-shirt and sweat pants and then walked into the bathroom again, I put my make up on and brushed my hair and my teeth I then walked out of the bathroom and made my way to the door but felt myself started to sway and my head start to hurt, the swaying and headache soon went away and I opened the door to have the sun hit my face.

"What a wonderful way to start the morning." I said and put my hand up to cover my face from the sun, I then walked out of the room and down the hall, everyone should be up by now and down stairs.

"Morning." I heard as I walked over to the stairs, I turned around to see Charlie standing in front of me, he smiled and stretched.

"Morning." Was all I said

"Sleep well?" He asked and I nodded, he smiled again and started to walk down the stairs, I followed close behind him, when we reached the last step we saw Fred sitting on the couch talking to someone, I was sure that it Meadow so I walked up to them both.. Meadow turned her head and smiled I ran up and gave her a hug.

"I missed you!" I said and Meadow laughed, I wanted to talk to her about Hogwarts and if it was safe to go back, we let go of each other and she looked at me a little sadly.

"It's not safe to go back.. Pansy and Draco know that your the princess and if you go back they will find you and report to Voldemort." She said and I nodded, so I have to stay here awhile longer.

"Well, a couple more days won't hurt." I said and Meadow smiled and nodded, it's nice to just relax for a bit.

I sat by Fred and he wrapped his arms around me, I held onto his hands and cuddled myself up to his chest, he rocked me back and forth in his arms, I loved being in his arms I felt so safe.

"So, anything new at Hogwarts?" I asked Meadow and she nodded

"Yeah, Mary and George broke up-" She said but I stopped her and started talking

"They broke up!? Why?" I asked, they were such a cute couple, Meadow just looked at me and her expression was sad again.

"They just didn't see a spark anymore so they broke up." She said, I felt bad for them.. I wonder how they were both taking it.

"Well its great that your back." I said and she smiled

"Yea, but I wont be here for long." She said and I nodded, I didn't really like being far from my friends but I couldn't let Voldemort find me.

"Well, I should probably go back.. I don't want them to wonder where I am." She said and I nodded and gave her another hug before she left.

"See you hopefully soon." Meadow said walking out the door and I looked at Fred and smiled.

"I really hope that we don't have to stay here for a long time." I said and Fred hugged me and kissed my forehead.

This sucks! (Fred Weasley love story) ((Being completely rewritten))Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang