Chapter 38 Missin my twin

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*George's POV*

I couldn't believe my twin had gone back home, I mean, he has to look after my niece and nephew but what about me? Don't I get to go with them too?

"You alright, George?" Ron asked and I was taken outta my thoughts, I looked at him and nodded, he always knew that I and Fred were always together.

"Why didn't you go back with them?" Ron asked again and I looked at him with a mean look, I took one of my new prank candies out and gave it to Ron, he ate anything you gave to him.

"Hey, Ronald.. Have some candy." I said and Ron took it out of my hand and smiled, he then popped it in his mouth and started chewing, I watched as his face turned purple then blue and then his hands started turning green, his entire body started changing different colors, he looked at me and I started laughing, he then ran out of the great hall.

"George, you should stop prancing your brother." Hermione said putting her book down and staring at me, I smiled and started giggling

"And why should I?" I asked her and lifted both eye brows, she gave me a mean look and went back to reading her book.

"Thought so." I said and got up from the table, I started walking away when Mary came up and started walking with me.

"Hey, George." She said and I didn't say anything for awhile, and finally opened my mouth to say something.

"Hey, Mary." I said and as we made it thro the doors and closed them, I started walking away but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"George.. Why did we break up?" She asked and I looked her in the eye, I knew exactly why we had broke up.

"Mary, I already told you.. I broke up with you because I knew your little secret." I said, you wanna know what really happened? Well of course you do so sit down kiddies and listen up.

A month after me and Mary had started going out a few rumors were going around that she had liked another guy, and was fooling around with him behind my back.. Well I sure didn't know if it was true or not but Ginny had come up to me and told me that she saw her and this guy SNOGGING, cant you believe it? Mary was SNOGGING another guy that wasn't me! I couldn't either but my sister was always right and I had a good feeling that Gin was right, so I broke up with Mary.

"But.. It's all a lie.. Ginny never liked me, that's why she lied to you!" Mary said and wrapped her arms around my neck, she smiled and I pushed her off me lightly.

"Mary, me and you are done.. I moved on and so should you.. Maybe with that guy you were snogging with." I told her and she looked at me like she didn't know what I was talking about, I turned around and started leaving.

"George, are you seriously going to Ginny or me? I wasn't snogging him.. hell, I wouldn't even touch him even if he was the last guy on earth!" Mary shouted at me, she had never shouted at me like that before.

"Ginny's my sister, I trust her and my entire family.. I know when we are fooling around and when they are serious." I said and turned around to face her, I looked her, no, GLARED her in the eye and her eyes softened.

"But.. you never know.. Ginny lies all the time." She said and I thought for a moment

"When has my sister ever lied?" I asked her and my glare became a bit deeper and I knew she was becoming more scared of me.

"George!" I heard my sister shout and turned, she stood there with a confused expression and I looked back over at Mary and gave another glare then turned and started walking over to Ginny.

"What were you talking to Mary about?" She asked me and I didn't know what to say to her.

"Uhh.. nothing, lets go." I said and she nodded and we continued to walk around.. we had a free period to do whatever we wanted but that didn't last long.

"You should go back to your dorms and study." Hermione said coming up to me and Ginny, she had tons of books in her hands.. probably from the library.

"But.. it's a free period." I said giving her a sigh and a pout looking face, she looked at me and I almost got a giggle out of her.

"Yea, but it's also a great period for studying too." She replied and I guess she was right..

"Ok, lets go back and study." I told Ginny and she and Hermione looked at me like I have gone crazy, I laughed and started walking to the dorms.

As you know, I'm usually making trouble and you wouldn't usually catch a Weasley twin studying, so you know where I'm going with this, huh? That's right.. pranks!

I started sprinting to my room and when I walked into my room I saw Lee sitting on his bed studying, he looked up and smiled.

"There's a letter.. I think it's from Meadow or Fred." He said and I walked over and took it from him and smiled.

"Thanks Lee." I said and opened the letter, I took a peak.. it was from Meadow


Everything is going great and Fred is learning more and more.. the twins are also learning.. and at such a young age it is very fascinating.. We hope to come back to Hogwarts soon but if Voldemort arrives early please, keep away from him and don't tell him anything

Love Meadow

I closed the letter and smiled, I wouldn't tell Voldemort if he came to the castle and I wouldn't tell him anything.

I put the letter down and grabbed a suit case from under my bed and opened it.. for now I will pull pranks, now what prank first? I pulled out a little bit of this and a little bit of that and went to work.

"Pranking?" Lee asked, his eyes still on his book and I just stared at him and said nothing, I then left the room and with some of my pranks in my pocket I quickly made my way around the castle.

"Now, who should I prank first?" I whispered to myself and looked around, my target had to be around somewhere.. oh and right on cue I see him step out of the Gryffindor common room with his mates.


Vanessa's POV

I was sitting on the couch with the twin's while Fred and Meadow were out hunting and training.. I would have loved to help train but I had the twins and I couldn't take myself away from them.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you and Fred." Molly said and I look up and smile, she was such a nice woman, she smiles back and I look down at my socks.. Molly had made them for me, they were red, blue, purple, pink and yellow.. they were really pretty and I loved them, I looked back up at Molly and then looked at the twins, I didn't really feel comfortable letting the Weasley's hold them, except Fred but I was scared that one of them may try to bite them so, just to be safe I held them and they just watched.. I knew that they really wanted to hold them but me and Meadow wern't sure if the twins were ready to be held by people who wern't vampires.

"I'm going to put the twins to bed." I said and I heard Fred and Meadow come in through the door, Meadow came rushing over to me, she knew that I was going to put them down for a nap.

"Here, let me help." She said and took Ezra and I held Essence, never taking my eyes away from her's, when me and Meadow finally put the twins down for a nap we sat in my room and just talked.

"We are going to go back soon.. not to the castle." She said and I knew what she was talking about

"We can't go back to vampire world.. it's too risky." I said and Meadow looked down for a moment, she knew it was too risky too.

"I know, but me and Fred have to go.. we need to stop him or else Voldemort will take over vampire world." She said and I thought about that for a moment, Voldemort taking over my world.. can't be good.

"Fine, but if I have a vision that your both in trouble then I'm coming back too." I said and Meadow nodded.

"We will be leaving early tomorrow, the twins will stay here but I have a half vampire half human.. like you coming here to take care of them so they don't hurt the Weasley's." Meadow said and I nodded, at least I know that the twins won't hurt the Weasley's.

*And that's the end of this chapter, I will make next chapter soon and sorry I couldn't update sooner, I have so many other stories that I'm trying to finish and next chapter I will try and put up tomorrow

xoxo love you guys*

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