Chapter 31 Baby names

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For the last week or so Fred slept in his old dorm with his brother and room mates, I, of course slept in the same room with Meadow and the two other girls, no one knew that I was here other than almost everyone that is in Gryffindor.

"Meadow?" I whispered, she was still awake and somewhat like me, she kept her eyes awake so the girls would think that she's asleep.

"Yea?" She asked and I sat up and put my hand on my stomach, it seemed to get bigger and bigger so I had a little trouble getting up now.

"I don't think I can change Fred.. I mean.. I don't have the strength to." I said and put my head in my hands.

"It's going to be ok.. but, this is going to be a big step and, well, your going to have to." She said and sat up, she gave me a weak smile and I gave her a weak smile back.

"I know but.. I just wish that it didn't have to be like this." I said and Meadow smiled and walked over to my bed and sat down, she leaned over and hugged me.

"I know you can do it." She said looking at my stomach and I grabbed her hand, I put her hand on my stomach and she smiled more.

"It's going to be a beautiful boy.. I just know it." Meadow said and took her hand away, she got up and lay back down in her bed, I lay back down in mine and fell asleep.

I was going to have a beautiful boy.. I had to start thinking of names, the baby was coming soon and me and Fred needed names chosen..  wanted our baby to have a name that would tell people that he is our special angel and unique.

"What have you found out?" Voldemort had asked one of the Slytherins, they were worried.. I was standing in the corner watching.

"She is with child." She said and Voldemort looked at her and became mad, his pet snake Nagini came up and just sat there looking up at the female Slytherin student.

"What do you mean she is with child?" Voldemort asked becoming angrier and Nagini was starting to become angry and slithered up to her.

"She... She's pregnant." She said and Voldemort looked at Nagini and she backed off

"With whom's child?" He asked circling the Slytherin girl

"Her boyfriend.. Fred Weasley." She said and gulped, I held my breath and put my hands on my stomach.

"Fred Weasley.. we shall find him and kill him.. Nagini." Voldemort said then looked at Nagini, I knew what would happen and covered my eyes, I heard a scream and opened my eyes to find the girl dead on the ground Voldemort walking away with Nagini slithering behind him.

This sucks! (Fred Weasley love story) ((Being completely rewritten))Where stories live. Discover now