Chapter 3

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Phil's POV
"Am I insane? Did I honestly just WINK at my straight roommate? My best friend? I'm straight... There's nothing wrong with teasing."
We left the market and headed back to the apartment. My apartment keys were stuck in my pocket while I held bags in both hands.
"Um." I looked at Dan. "I can't get my key."
"I got mine. It's cool." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his own key. "He just HAD to have his own key.. What am I thinking?!?! I was NOT going to have him reach into my back pocket and get my key. He wouldn't anyways."
We carried in the bags and Dan went into his room to put away his coat.
"Dan?" I called for him. "It's getting late. Do you want to just have a snack and then go to bed?"
"Yeah." He came out of his room, yawning. "It's been an eventful evening." "He's referring to the hand incident... Why did that happen?"
"Yeah. I'm getting tired. Good night, Daniel."
"Uh. Good night Philly." He smiled at me as I yawned back.
I went to my room and turned to close the door, when I saw Dan still standing there. He smiled and waved to me. "He's never done that..." I changed out of my clothes and got into bed after brushing my teeth in the bathroom.
I couldn't sleep. I laid there, staring at the ceiling, just thinking about everything that happened. "Our hands touched. It felt right... Didn't it? No.... I'm straight." I sat up with my hands in my face. "I need to just face the facts. I've never really been with a girl I was in love with, or had any deep feelings with.. Dan is here.. I've known him several years and he's my best friend."
Tears filled my hands as I kept replaying the incident over and over in my head.
"We went to clean up a mess and our hands touched. Our hands touched after he scared me and said I was so cute when I'm mad."
I ended up pacing my bedroom until I looked myself in the mirror and said it. I stared at the 6ft 2in tall, black haired man who stood before me in my mirror. The guy I thought I knew better than anyone.... I thought I knew who Phillip Michael Lester truly is.
Apparently I didn't.
I heard a noise coming from the hallway.
"Dan?" I opened my door and heard his voice answer, "I'm okay."
"Thank goodness.. I couldn't handle him getting injured."
"Do you need my help?" I checked the time and it was already 5a.m. "I stayed up all night.."
"That would be nice." He answered.
I walked out of my room, shirtless and my hair a mess. Dan was in the kitchen.
"You're not trying to cook again, are you?"
He looked at me, blankly. He tried to make an excuse, but ended up saying the truth.
"I tried to surprise you."
"Surprise me?" I smiled. "How sweet... What did you make?"
"Brownies. Want a taste?" He presented the tray of brownies to me, proudly.
"Wow. These look great." I chose a brownie and took a bite.
"You can bake. You can't cook well, but you can follow a brownie recipe." I laughed. His face went red as he smiled at me.
"That smile.... It's so perfect."

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