Chapter 7

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Dan's POV
I pushed back Phil's fringe and laid the cool towel across his warm forehead.
"He's so confused... He has to be. That's why he ran."
Phil fell asleep with his head nuzzled into my chest after I finished my pizza. He didn't feel as warm and feverish. He looked so happy.
I kissed his forehead.
"I love you Philly."
Phil woke up around 9p.m. "Hi."
"Feeling better?"
"Yeah... I think I was just tired. I.."
"You haven't slept well? I know. I can hear you from my room. I heard you when I was baking brownies."
He looked at me, scared to speak. "Did you..."
"Did I what?"
His eyes began to water until his head fell into my shoulder.
"Phil... Phil look at me." I held him close. He looked at me, eyes bright red from crying.
"Do you know what you told me tonight?"
"He's not going to come out for real...."
Phil looked at me. "Did I tell you?"
I kissed him. "I love you, Phillip."
Phil's POV
I suddenly felt everything in the world stop. Dan held me closely as we sat in the lounge. "Do you know what happened earlier?"
"I don't remember a thing."
He laughed happily. "We got home from the market. You reached into my pocket because I couldn't get to my keys. I tried to ignore the fact your hand was on my ass.."
I laughed nervously and blushed.
"So we went inside, sat down the bags in the kitchen and put things away. I asked you if you wanted a drink and you said to get the alcohol out. You were surprisingly witty and wanted to drink." He smiled to see me looking at him, cuddled up in his arms. "I grabbed some glasses and we got a little drunk. You grabbed my hand and brought me into my room. I was still conscious and knew what was happening, but you were completely out of it."
"Oh dear.." I buried my face.
"No, no. I was glad you brought me in there. We...uh... We fucked."
My face got hot.
"And damn... Before we laid down, you told me you were gay. I was so relieved."
"Relieved?" I looked at him.
"Since our hands touched, I just wanted to be closer to you. I've been in love with you for a while now. And I had been dropping hints, just trying to see if you were even interested."
I kissed him. "I love you, Daniel." His hands pressed against my cheeks as I tore off his shirt. He took off mine and we went to his bedroom.
"I'm so glad I have you." I kissed his neck. "I was so scared. I thought you were straight."
"I came out as bisexual when I was about fourteen. You're not like anyone I've ever seen." He pulled me towards him. "I love you so much."
We unbuttoned each other's skinny jeans and tore them off. Dan's hands slipped down into my legs as I kissed his chest and neck. He let me get on top and we tumbled in his bed until the morning came.
"Fuck..." Dan screamed. "You're so good."
"I can't take all the credit, baby." I laid my head on his chest and felt his heart beat in my ear.
"We don't have anything to do today, do we?" He played with my hair.
"No. Let's stay here." I kissed him. His lips were so soft and fit mine perfectly.

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