Chapter 23

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Phil's POV
For the rest of the time we had in Alabama, we explored all we could possibly see. We ran into a few fans in town, took pictures with them and gave them hugs before getting our bags from the hotel room and heading to the airport.
"Fancy seeing you again." Dan chuckled as we got into the cab.
"Well hello, lovebirds. Off to the airport?"
I grabbed Dan's arm and hugged tightly. "Yes. We're heading to Missouri next."
He parked the cab and helped us carry our luggage to the door.
"You're very kind." I said to the man as he shook my hand and Dan's.
"It was great meeting you, two. I'll be looking for a special," he got quiet. "Phan video from you in the future." He teased and patted me on the back.
We got on the plane and found our seats. Dan snuck in a kiss before we sat down and flew to our next destination.
"Missouri, here we come." Dan said, excitedly. I giggled and cuddled his arm.
Dan's POV
Phil has a remarkable ability of being able to fall asleep in an instant.... Even on airplanes. When I asked him about it, he said it was me. "You're so darling, Phillip..." I leaned in and kissed him on the head, before trying to fall asleep, too.
We managed to sleep through the whole flight and woke up five minutes before arriving in Missouri.
We called a cab and rode to our hotel in a city called, St. Louis.
We set our bags down. "We have a show Friday, then Saturday, but then we are off to do whatever we want until late June when we have to be in Texas." Phil laid down, relaxing.
"Texas?" I questioned. He nodded. Then I had an idea.
"So we don't have anything today?"
"Can we go to Fun City?" I jumped into the bed where Phil was.
"Fun City?"
"Won't there be a lot of fans there? Maybe relaxing and having fun before seeing us?"
I pouted. "Shit. That's right."
I got up. "Wait.." I kissed Phil and grabbed my hotel key.
"Where are you going?"
"Don't worry, dear." I closed the door behind me and scurried down to the hotel lobby.
"Hi, I'm Dan. I was wondering if I could have a quick word with the manager?"
"I'll get him. One second, please."
"Thank you."
I stood by the front desk and waited. A shorter man walked out. "Hello."
"Hi, I'm Da-"
"Yes, Dan and Phil. You're in town for your tour. What do you need?"
"We were wanting to go swimming.... But Fun City will be loaded with fans.."
"What do you need?"
"Is there any way you can allow us to swim in the pool after hours? When the other guests are sleeping?"
"Anything for our special guests."
"Thank you so much, sir." I shook the man's hand.
"It's no problem, Daniel. My daughter is a huge fan."
"Oh? Well I would love to meet her, or sign something for her."
"Um.." He pulled a phone out of his pocket. "She's kind of grounded right now, so here's her phone."
I took the iPhone and turned on the camera and took a selfie.
"I'll go get Phil, if you don't mind."
"No, no. Go ahead."
I ran to the elevator and got to our hotel door. Upon opening, I heard Phil singing in the shower.
"I didn't realize my boyfriend was Beyoncé." I teased. "I have a surprise."
"What?" He got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around himself.
"Wanna come with me? Put on your swim trunks." He looked at me, confused, but put his trunks on and I put on mine.
He followed me back down to the lobby.
"First," I handed him the girl's phone.
He looked at it, then me. The manager heard us and walked out to greet Phil.
"Hello Phil. My daughter is a huge fan. Would you mind... Maybe..?"
He opened up the camera and took a cute selfie. "Now with all three of us." He took another picture.
"Now the surprise." I said.
"Have fun!"
"Thank you, sir!" I called down to the manager.

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