Chapter 11

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Phil's POV
The next morning, I woke up to find that I had slept in Dan's room again. "Good morning, lovely." He kissed me and played with my hair. I didn't say anything. I just let him hold me closely and brushed my hand across his chest.
"What's the plan for today?" He asked.
"Anything you want." I said, giggling.
"Damn that giggle.... You're so cute."
"Thank you, Danny." I kissed him and got up to get dressed.
"Aren't we supposed to film something today?" Dan asked.
"Oh yeah, I had an idea to film a 'festive' video, since Christmas is drawing near."
"Yay! Can we put the tree up?" He stared at me.
I laughed, "Of course, love."
"Hello Internet. This is going to be a more serious video." He opened up his camera and said.
"Are you sure you want to do this now?" I sat by him.
"Yes, Phil." He looked at the camera. "Should we say it together?" I nodded.
"Phan is real!" We laughed together.
"We made the announcement yesterday at my family's holiday gathering and Phil's gathering is tonight."
"Oh it is. Shoot! I forgot." I got up and checked the time. "Dan, we're going to be late."
"Bye!" He shut the camera off and hurried out of bed. We both got ready, fixed our hair and ate breakfast before hearing a knock on the door.
Dan opened it and it was my dad.
"Hello Mr Lester." He walked in without saying anything to Dan. I knew he found out.
"How could you be like this? You're a disgrace to the Lester family!" He grabbed me by the shirt and looked me straight in the eyes.
"Mum loves me." I choked back tears. He threw me down to the floor and walked out, leaving the apartment building in a hurry. I shriveled up and hid my face in my knees. Dan ran over to me and hugged me. "He's probably just confused... He hasn't heard our story..." He kissed me on the forehead and helped me up.
"We don't have to go..." He held my hand.
"No. If we don't go, I won't come out to them. I need to." I gave him a hug and held him tightly.
My mum showed up and walked in. "You left your door open, dear." She chuckled.
"Dad was here.." I answered, still holding Dan.
"What did he need?"
"Tell her here?" Dan looked at me.
"Mum, come in. Please. Sit down."
She walked in, confused.
" walked in and saw Dan and me hugging." I started.
"Yes, you two are friends. You look like you were crying."
"We're not friends. We're not just best friends." Dan said with a smile. He placed his hand my leg.
"Mum, I'm gay." I said, confidently.
"I always knew you were different, Philly. You used to try on girl clothes when you were a lad."
"Oh, Mum." I laughed, my cheeks bright red. Dan kissed me on the cheek and said, "I'm glad you're accepting of us.... I don't know where I would be without your son." I let my head fall into his shoulder.
"Dad wasn't very happy." I said.
"How'd he even find out?" Dan looked at me with confused eyes.
"He's always assumed, but he was never certain." Mum started.
"He must've heard us at the restaurant... When we told Chris and Pj." Dan looked at me.
"He'll come around to it. I'm so proud of you two. You're a perfect pair." She kissed us both on the head and said, "Come on, we're going to be late."
We walked out of the apartment and down the stairs. Dan held my hand and kissed me.
"I love you so much, Phil." I kissed him back.
"I love you more, Dan." My mum turned back and smiled. "I love you guys."
We got in the car and drove to meet my family at our holiday gathering. Dan snuggled up against me in the backseat and I felt so peaceful.

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