Chapter 27

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Phil's POV
I continued to visit Dan in the hospital for the next month.
"Phil..." Dan's mum laid her hand on my shoulder. "The nurses wanted me to take you home."
"I'm not leaving without Dan." I yelled.
"Phil......Phil. It's not healthy to stop your life in its tracks for someone."
I felt so mad. "He's my someone. I'm not leaving without him."
She walked out with a sad look on her face.
I sat down by Dan's unconscious body. "I miss my Danny's voice. His sweet voice. His arms.. Wrapped around me.." I teared up.
"Please Dan... If you can hear me, give me a sign.." I squeezed his hand and held it to my lips. "Please..."
I was exhausted. I hadn't slept in weeks. Knowing that I witnessed the life of my Danny... Nearly get snatched away from me. He was still clinging to life as he laid in the hospital since it happened. It was now December first.
"It's almost Christmas, baby." I kissed him and laid my head on his shoulder.
The doctor walked in and checked Dan's vitals.
"Is he ever going to wake?" I choked back tears.
"We don't know. He moved his hand during surgery in November to fix the damage in his spinal cord... But if he hasn't moved since.."
"He hasn't..." I said quietly.
"Let's hope he does."
"Doctor, that's all I've been doing. It doesn't work!" I was bawling now.
"Phil, I think you need to rest." He rubbed my back. "Staying here for every minute of the day isn't going to do you any good. Dan would want you to be healthy.."
I nodded. "Can I still come back?"
"Yes, Phil. Just go get some rest."
I left the hospital and took the train back to the apartment. I unlocked the door and couldn't make it an inch inside before I fell to the floor, crying.
"God please don't let him die..." I whispered. My phone rang. I cleared my throat. "Hello?"
"Phillip Lester?"
"Hi Phil. This is Dr. Driar."
I stood up quickly. "Is my Danny okay?"
"You need to come back to the hospital."
I ran down the stairs and didn't waste time calling a taxi or catching the train.
"He could be dead... Dan.. My Daniel..."
I took off down the pavement.
"Please be okay.." I ran into the hospital. "Dan!" I yelled. Dr. Driar heard me.
"Is he okay?"
"See for yourself..."
I slowly walked in, terrified at what was about to happen.
"Bloody Hell, Phil did you RUN here?" My silly Brit teased.
"Oh Dan!" I kissed him.
"Dr. Driar told me you stayed here for like a month." He smiled.
"I couldn't leave.. When he called me on my cell, I was sitting against the apartment door, crying. I had just left."
"I'm glad you came back."
"I'll leave you two to talk. Just, Phil.."
I looked at him. "Be careful with him. He's still recovering."
"No worries, Doc." Dan laughed.
"I'll just lay with him." I smiled.
He left the room and I kissed Dan hard.
"God, I was so worried.." I carefully scooted Dan over on his hospital bed and laid next to him.
"I know." He grabbed my hand. "I heard you."
"You did? When did you hear-"
"When you were about to leave and talked to my doctor. And I heard you tell my mum that you were not leaving without me." He kissed me gently. "I wanted to say something before you left.. But my throat was hurting and I couldn't feel my hand enough to grab yours."
"But you feel this now?" I squeezed his hand.
"Yeah." He pulled my head into his shoulder.
"Baby, I don't want to-"
"My shoulder isn't hurting. I'm so doped up on pain medication that I feel no pain."
"Okay. As long as you feel my love for you."
"He only has a little bit of memory of when he was unconscious."
"So do you remember the accident?"
"Vaguely. I remember saying something to the EMT.. You weren't in the ambulance, but I felt that you were near."
"I was chasing closely behind in Pj's car." I rubbed his bruised and stitched arm as he went on.
"I don't remember anything else though..."
"You remember us, though. We've been together for over a year."
"Did we come out online?" He looked at me.
"We were at a Halloween party and announced it stage. Felix recorded it for us."
"We should upload it soon." He kissed my neck. "I missed that..."
"I missed my moonlight." I kissed him back.

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