Chapter 8

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Dan's POV
"Phil?" He was still laying on my chest, sleeping soundly. "Love?"
"I guess I should tell you.." I chuckled. "I'm gay!"
He playfully hit me. "You honestly think I don't know that now? You heard me come out and now we're... Yeah." He laid his head back down. "I'm sore."
I laughed and kissed him. "You're such a cutie."
It was 7a.m. by the time we moved from my bed. Nothing was better than laying with him... But we had to upload eventually.
"Hey Danny?"
"Yes?" I poked my head in.
"What picture did we decide on?"
I sat down by him. "I don't think we did. You can pick." I winked at him and went to the lounge to play Skyrim.
Phil's POV
"I'm so glad he heard me come out to myself. I don't know how much longer I could last without telling him.... Without kissing him.... Without holding him."
I finished the video and started uploading. I walked into the lounge and sat behind Dan who was playing video games and sitting in a beanbag chair. I kissed his neck and whispered in his ear, "I love you."
"I love you, too Philly." He turned and kissed me hard.
"Playing Skyrim?"
"Yeah!" He got excited like a little kid.
"My oh my, you're adorable when you're excited."
"My boyfriend has been saying that lately." He winked. "BOYFRIEND!"
"Oh really? My boyfriend likes to wear a Robert Pattinson mask and scare me." He paused his game and looked at me.
"God damn it Phil. You're so fucking beautiful. I needed an excuse to see you."
I laughed. "An excuse?"
"You're so cute when you're mad. I had to scare you." He sat up and moved his beanbag. He kissed me before leaning back into my lap and letting me hold him.
"Chase that bear!" I cheered.
"I'm trying!"
He finished playing his game and we went to town and met up with friends.
"... Do they..." I tapped Dan's arm.
"I don't think they do, but.." He grabbed my hand. "Don't worry."
We all sat down to eat at our favorite restaurant when I felt Dan's hand rest on my leg. He looked at me with grateful eyes and started, "So.. I have some news."
Chris and Pj looked at each other and then at Dan.
"I'm gay." He smiled and started to laugh. "I'm gay."
I put my hand in Dan's and squeezed tightly.
"I hope nothing will change." He added.
"Of course not." Chris responded.
"You're still our friend." Pj added.
"Well that's great..." I started to stutter.
"Are you okay?" Chris looked at me, confused.
I didn't know how exactly to come out with confidence. I came out to myself in the mirror and Dan heard me. He brought me out.
I leaned over and kissed Dan, right in front of Chris and Pj. I took a deep breath. "I'm gay, too."
"Like we said before, nothing will change." Chris smiled. "I'm proud of you guys."
Pj laughed.
"What's so funny?" Dan laughed with him.
"Phan is real."
I laughed and began to wonder how we were going to come out as a couple.
Dan had already called me his 'boyfriend'....but the Internet is already so obsessed with wanting Dan and I to start dating.
We said goodbye to Chris and Pj and left to go back to the apartment. Dan intertwined his fingers with mine and kissed me on the cheek. I unlocked the door and we went inside.
"Phan is real." Dan said, cheekily. His dimples popped out and I couldn't resist but to tackle him with love.

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