Chapter 13

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I think the picture was plenty of a warning... Smuttttttttt
Dan's POV
"God damn.... God damn...." I screamed. We couldn't sleep because we got physical before trying to sleep at all.
"I fucking love you!" He finished me and laid down on me. "Kiss me.. Kiss me hard."
I got on top and continued.
"Yes.. Yes!" Phil grabbed me. "Damn..." I gave him a hickey on his collarbone.
"I love you, Dan. Not just because you're the only openly gay guy I know." He said. "I love you because you're the best thing that has ever happened to me."
"You think you're not the best thing that's happened to me?" I kissed him roughly. "You're my sunshine."
"You're my moon. Every moon needs a sun to light them up when things go dark." He smiled.
"Baby, that was cheesy." I teased him.
"I hope so. You like my cheesy flirts." He got back on top.
"Fuck yes, I do." I wrapped my arms around him and held him down against my body.
"Damn I'm hard." Phil laughed.
"Same baby." I sucked his neck.
We laid there all night and didn't fall asleep until 7a.m. Luckily we weren't busy with anything, since we were not wanting to move out of each other's grasp.
"Baby? Do you want to go snuggle and watch a movie?" Phil suggested.
He got off of me and we went into the lounge, half dressed- only pants.
I sat in Phil's lap and wrapped my arm around his neck. Phil turned on a movie, but we didn't watch much of it before getting distracted by each other.
"Was that the phone ringing?" I looked up.
"I think so. I'll get it." He kissed my neck and went for the phone.
"Phil? It's your mum." 
"Oh hello Mum. Everything okay? You sound like you've been crying."
"I'm okay, dear..." She got quiet and started crying more. "Can you and Dan come over?"
"Of course. I love you Mum. See you soon."
"Is everything okay?" I got up and hugged Phil from behind.
"That was my Mum. She wants us to come see her. She didn't sound very happy."
We got dressed and fixed out hair in the bathroom. "You look handsome." Phil wrapped his arms around me from the back as we looked in the mirror together.
"I never thought I'd end up like this... Looking into a mirror, in my significant other's arms... In your arms." I kissed him.
"I'm gay as hell. It was bound to happen." He winked at me and left the apartment.
We followed the pavement down to where Phil's mum lives. Phil knocked on the door before hearing a loud noise.
"Shit, what was that?" I cringed.
"MUM?" Phil pulled on the door knob.
The door opened, but it wasn't his mum. His dad was there.
"Where's Mum?" Phil yelled.
"Guys, come in. Please." He left us in and we sat down at the table.
"Your mother is in the back. She's okay. She slammed a door, and it made that loud noise."
"She invited us over." I said.
"I know. I asked her to call." He sat across from us. "I've been acting immaturely."
I looked at Phil. He seemed scared to hear what else his father had to say.
"Phil, since you were young, I always knew you were unique. You're creative, wildly intelligent, and loving. You never let a single thing get in the way of what you believe is true to who you are as a person."
"Thanks..." He smiled.
"I love you, son. And I'm happy for you."
Phil's mum walked in. "Honey, thank you for doing this." She hugged his dad and he continued to say, "I'm so sorry I lashed out. You are not a disgrace. You're the most dedicated and most accomplished young man I know and I'm proud you're my son."
Phil teared up.
"And Daniel..."
"Yes, sir?" I said.
"I love that he is in love with such a nice young man, such as yourself."
"Thank you, Mr Lester." I smiled and hugged Phil.
"I told you it would be okay." I whispered.

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